Please sign in. Also, sign in as a follower on our blog page on any of the computers. Ms. Crowley, Grade 4, Room 302 Welcome to Back to School Night!!!
Please make sure to pull your car all the way forward in both the loop and parking lot. Please sign in and let me know how your child will get home each day. Pick Up and Drop Off
My teaching philosophy is to make learning fun, memorable, and child-centered. I want to leave lasting memories. I incorporate music, art, physical activity, and good health choices into as many lessons as I can. I use humor as a way to engage my students. I treat my students with respect. I have been a teacher at Hedenkamp since we opened in 2003, same room, eleven years of third grade, second year teaching fourth grade. My Teaching Philosophy and Background
8:45-10:35 Language Arts (whole group and small groups/centers) 10:35-10:50 Recess 10:50-12:15 Math 12:15-1:00 Lunch Recess 1:00-1:30 Independent Reading 1:30-2:00 Writing 2:00-2:30 Physical Education (T, W, Th)/ Music/Art (M) 2:30-3:15 Social Studies/Science 3:15 Dismissal **1:55 Dismissal on Friday!** Daily Schedule
More showing and explaining of answers Referring back to the text to support answers Inference Speaking and Listening in pairs and groups Higher level, critical thinking skills New Common Core Curriculum
Classroom Expectations - Come to school prepared with needed materials/homework -Ability to work independently and with groups cooperatively -Participation -Keep a positive attitude -Bring homework folder home and to school daily Reward System ( Whole Class Rewards Homework Super Star Lunch Bunch Classroom Management
Homework Menu (given weekly; due each Friday) Homework Folder-to take home homework menu and flyers – SEE EXAMPLE Menu work should be stapled to math pages; name and number needs to be written neatly on all pages of homework Parents need to initial that technology activity was completed Homework Expectations/Flyers
USS Midway Indian Hills (Jamul) Train ride to San Juan Capistrano Mission-extended day Anticipated annual cost is $50 per child (by donation) Possible Field Trips
Student Disaster Info Card (please add address) Annual Notification-Wellness Policy (impacts birthday celebrations) Internet Consent Form Lunch Program (online sign up, need student ID#) Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Emergency and Health Info PTA Membership Photo Release Form (to post pics of students on our blog) Forms and Handouts ( will be sent home tomorrow)
No birthday sweets or other food allowed. Non-food items ok (pencils, goody bags, be creative!). Two food parties per year (winter and end of school year). District Wellness Policy
Sign up to be a follower on our blogs: (wishlist-need donations of pencil boxes) sign up to access peach jar for all school flyers, link to Hedenkamp PTA -Needed school supply: ear buds Blog Pages
Volunteering-just let me know PTA-minimum $10 membership Reading at home with your child Be a follower on our classroom blog page, the PTA’s blog page, and the school’s blog page How to Get Involved with your child’s education:
By - currently By phone x5853 Blog: m m Communication
1:55 p.m. Early Dismissal tomorrow and Friday Students line up each morning by 8:40 behind the letter “aa” on blacktop area. Please, do not have students come to classroom/hallway area in the morning prior to 8:40 a.m. You can leave a little “love note” for your child on his/her nametag. THANK YOU FOR COMING!