April, 2005 ebSOA Based on FERA Reference Model Vasco Drecun Collaborative Product Development Associates, LLC Goran Zugic ebXMLsoft Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

April, 2005 ebSOA Based on FERA Reference Model Vasco Drecun Collaborative Product Development Associates, LLC Goran Zugic ebXMLsoft Inc.

April, 2005 FERA reconciles BPM with SOA -Activities -Inputs/outputs -Flows -Deliverables -Dependencies -Transactions -Decisions -Contracts -Documents -Interfaces -Security -Messages -Registries -Repositories -Content maps -Services -Events -Agents Patterns or use cases of information exchange FERABPM Reference modelsSOA standards

April, 2005 Recognizing FERA configuration Four process characteristics determine what FERA configuration is required  Human interaction determines the need for portal and collaborative services capabilities Sign-on, authentication, plug-in services (meetings, calendars, chat, visualization, reporting, etc.)  Process administration determines the need for federation server and gateways Security, protocols, content exchange formats, meta-data mapping, B2B process standards (RosettaNet, CPFR, …)  Process flow determines the need for event management Alerts, Escalation, Messaging, Queries, Flow controller  Business logic reconciliation determines the need for agent framework Synchronous vs. asynchronous reconciliation

April, 2005 Mapping to FERA components Reference model steps Step1: Define content and context elements (static view – Federation Information Model (FIM) and Collaborative Process Information Model (CPIM)) Step 2: Define choreography (dynamic view) – Collaborative Process Flow Information Model (CPFIM) and Agent Interface Information Model (AIIM) Step 3: Determine FERA configuration. Four configurations are formally specified and they support all possible collaboration cases (patterns) examined so far. Step 4: Document FERA capabilities and specific features required to support the choreography (requirements) Step 5: Select applicable standards for the specified capabilities and features Step 6: Produce a final document with all architectural requirements and components to support the pattern Step 7: Deploy to ebSOA

April, 2005 Portal FERA Functional Architecture Federation Server CP Flow Agent Framework Collaborative Services Gateway Plug-in Services Gateway Plug-in Services Federated System Federated System Federated User SOA Federation

April, 2005 ebSOA Information Model Federation Information Model (FIM) – Content and Context  FIM is an informational bridge between the public and private world.  Definition of federate profiles, business process specifications, collaboration protocols and agreements, security policies, etc. Information that supports public processes and documents of any type for both public and private processes.  Agent Interface Information Model defines types of agents, invocation rules and status control. Collaborative Process Information Model (CPIM)  Supports complete CP context including all possible flows, participants and shared context elements like metrics, rules and joint events  The main CPIM entities are: CP Flows, Roles, Rules, Metrics and Clusters of Events Collaborative Process Flow Information Model (CPFIM)  Supports definition of the possible flows of activities, decisions and events within the CP  The main CPFIM entities are: Activities, I/O-s, Events, Triggers, Decisions, Sequences, References, etc.

April, 2005 ebSOA Collaboration Semantics ebSOA collaboration semantics in connection with ebSOA information model provides full dynamic collaboration support. ebSOA collaboration semantics formally defines all necessary interfaces with methods/functions required for the collaboration data (ebSOA information model) manipulations and interactions between SOA Federation architectural components. SOA Federation is a central block of the ebSOA architecture with the following components which interfaces and methods/functions are already defined as a part of the ebSOA architectural specification: Gateway Portal Plug-in Services Security SOA Federation (Federation Server, Agent Framework, CP Flow Controller and Collaborative Services)

April, 2005 Federation Registry ebSOA Collaboration Data and Semantics (Business Process Management) CPA Process Flow Registry CPID ebSOA Collaboration Semantics ebSOA Collaboration Semantics SOA Federation BPSS CPP

April, 2005 ebSOA Specifications ebSOA Specifications include both static (SOA Federation Information Model) and dynamic view of the ebSOA architecture. The dynamic view support includes formalized ebSOA collaboration semantics of the SOA Federation internal collaboration and its interface for the external collaborations (federated systems) via Federation Server and Gateway. The key components of the ebSOA Specifications include:  ebSOA Information Model that fully supports informational aspects of both external and internal collaborations  Collaboration semantics and interfaces for Gateway Portal Plug-in Services Security SOA Federation (Federation Server, Agent Framework, CP Flow Controller and Collaborative Services)

April, 2005 Business Process Documentation creation and validation Gateway Registry Collaboration Protocol G A T E W A Y I N T E R F A C E Modeling FEDERATIONGATEWAYFEDERATIONGATEWAY P O R T A L Federation Server Security ProviderFederation Registry CP Flow Controller Data CollectionAnalysisReportingOther Built-In Services Service Consumer Service Provider Agent Framework FEDERATEDSYSTEMFEDERATEDSYSTEM FEDERATEDSYSTEMFEDERATEDSYSTEM Federation Manager PLUGINSERVICESPLUGINSERVICES Collaborative Services Agent Interface Manager SOA Federation ebSOA

April, 2005 ebSOA Standard-Based Components Mapping Gateway - Public processes ebXML BPSS for public process collaborations ebXML CPP/CPA - Business documents creation and validation OASIS CAM - Communication ebXML Messaging, SOAP with WS-Security, SMTP, JMS, etc. - Interface ebSOA Gateway Interface specification. - Registry Gateway Registry based on standard (ebXML Registry, UDDI) or proprietary implementation. Portal Web server portal based on ebSOA Portal Interface specifications Plug-in Services Web services based on ebSOA Plug-in Services Interface specification Agent Framework Based on ebSOA Agent Framework Specification

April, 2005 ebSOA Standard-Based Components Mapping (cont.) Federation Server - Federation Manager ebSOA Federation Manager Specification - Agent Interface Manager ebSOA Agent Interface Manager Specification - Federation Registry ebXML Registry Specifications (RIM and RS) - Security Provider ebSOA Security Provider Specification, XACML, SAML, etc. Process Flow Registry Based on ebSOA Process Flow Registry Specification Flow Controller, Event Manager, Activity Manager and Decision Manager Based on ebSOA Flow Controller, Event Manager, Activity Manager and Decision Manager Specifications. Collaborative Services Third-party tools for data analysis, reporting, collaboration pattern analysis, data quality, etc.