1 EMODNET pilot biological lot Francisco Hernandez, Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte.


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Presentation transcript:

1 EMODNET pilot biological lot Francisco Hernandez, Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte

2 Overview Work done Project Management Technical Development Summary of data-inventory, data collected and gap analysis Specific questions Choice of parameters (eg chemical; biological species) Assessment of accuracy or precision Difficulties encountered Needs from other projects Timescale for going on-line with portal

3 Work done Project Management –Project between EU & VLIZ signed 15 May 2009 –Consortium agreement (signed by 8 out of 9 partners!) –Kick Off Meeting Ostend: 8-9 June 2009 Discussions and agreement on work plan Biological Lot EMODNet –Bi-monthly progress reports –Organisation Biological Data Products Workshop

4 Work done Project Management –Organisation Biological Data Products Workshop (25-26 February 2010) Invited 50 experts from different user groups to discuss: –define a set of derived data products relevant for private bodies, public authorities and researchers –marine biological (monitoring) data availability and gaps in Europe –select biological parameters and biological species (~choice of parameters) »Result in key-recommandations that will be implemented for Biological EMODNet »Based on recommandations data analysis workshops wil be organised

5 Work done Technical Development –Outline of the technical functionalities of the EMODNET Bio Portal »Database system/database scheme »Background/Foreground data »Functionalities interface (select, map, download, time series graph) –Start technical development of EMODNET Portal »Based on EurOBIS Biogegeograhic System »Distributed system, uses DIGIR Protocol & OBIS Scheme »First part; system OGC Compliant! –Prototype will be presented at Data Products Workshop »Possibility to receive feedback during workshop –Version 1 online June 2010 (on Schedule)

6 Work done Summary of data-inventory, data collected and gap analysis –Data inventory for EMODNet Data inventory and gap analyse will be presented and discussed at workshop Based EurOBIS, FP6 MarBEF, FP 5 BIOMARE Project (n=472 of which 155 monitoring datasets) Sent to the Coordination Board for review and update (received 4/8) »ICES (Biol. community ;Contaminants and biol. Effects, Fish trawl survey datasets, ) »GBIF Datasets (181 datasets, , global, largely covered by OBIS and EurOBIS) »Black Sea Datasets (18 datasets) »PANGAEA, MARS Network, SeadataNet: in progress

7 Work done Summary of data-inventory, data collected and gap analysis –Data inventory for EMODNet In contact with Regional Sea Commissions: »HELCOM (HELCOM COMBINE, HELCOM FISH, Baltic Sea Protected Areas, Alien species, Integrated thematic assessment on biodiversity) »Black Sea Commission (Contact persons: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine) »OSPAR: in progress »EEA & MedPol: so far no feedback

8 Work done Summary of data-inventory, data collected and gap analysis –Data collected and data integration 23 datasets –19 mammals, birds & reptiles: SeaMaps –3 Benthic datasets (DanBIF) –Historical dataset Black Sea: IBSS Data standardisation & quality control –Taxonomy (linked with WorMS) –Geography (linked with VLIMAR)

9 Work done Summary of data-inventory, data collected and gap analysis –Data collected and data integration (EurOBIS: n=211, 6,973,214) Start EMODNet Bio

10 Work done Summary of data collected, data-inventory and gap analysis –Gap analysis EurOBIS (will be published) Phase I: Gap analysis based on EurOBIS data Analysis grid representing the number of distinct larger taxonomic groups (Mammals, Aves, Crustacea, Rotifera, Tunicata...) per grid-cell

11 Work done Summary of data collected, data-inventory and gap analysis –Gap analysis Phase I: Gap analysis based on EurOBIS data Total number of distribution records collected per year

12 Work done Summary of data collected, data-inventory and gap analysis –Gap analysis Phase I: Gap analysis based on EurOBIS data Geographic Cover #species # distribution records # stations # species, distribution records and stations in EurOBIS for the Focus of the EMODNet Biological Portal

13 Specific questions Choice of parameters (biological species & parameters) –To be decided after completion data inventory and gap analysis –Discussed during data products workshop Assessment of accuracy or precision –Ongoing Difficulties encountered –Nothing unexpected: Incomplete inventories, unwillingness to participate, inertia Needs from other projects –Standardization of regions: Done, ICES ecoregions + EEZ shapefiles provided to project –Additional environmental data : to be discussed later Chlorophyll (Chemical lot?),Habitat info (Geological Lot?),Bathymetry (Hydrographical Lot?),Salinity, temperature (??) Timescale for going on-line with portal »On schedule