Does Your HHW Education Program Work? Workshop on Program Evaluation – Evaluation Logic Model NAHMMA Conference September 22, 2006 Tacoma, WA Trudy C. Rolla, R.S., MBA Evaluation Coordinator Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County Public Health – Seattle & King County
2 Evaluation Logic Model Does: Shows how program parts relate to the whole Identifies process and outcome Shows the relationship of inputs to results or outcomes Defines the outcomes for which the program can be held accountable Helps identify major questions the evaluation should address Makes explicit the underlying theory of a program Does Not : Determine if the approach is the best one Is not the “work plan” or a project description Track Budget and Expenditures
3 An Evaluation Logic Model Ties Together Clients Activities and Resources Changes (Outcomes) Indicators Data Collection Tools
4 Goal Statement Ultimate impacts that the program expects to make, but are beyond what one program can achieve alone. Goal Statement Structure To do (something), with or for someone (or something), so that something happens (a change)
5 Program Theory “We believe Y (outcome) will happen if we carry out X (activity or strategy) with the resources and level of output stated in the logic model.”
6 Logic Model Elements Resources Activities Outcomes Indicators Data Reporting
7 Resources What does the program need in order to function well? Examples: Staff Funds Participants Other agencies, associations Research
8 Activities and Outputs Activities: what must we do to achieve the intended results? Outreach training, advertising, field inspections, etc. Outputs: how much do we do, for how many people? Service or product units, quantifies the activities.
9 Outcomes Changes in participants' lives, community, environment or organizational conditions that should occur as a result of the program. Realistic, achievable and directly related to the program’s processes.
10 Indicators Can be seen, heard or read Specific statements Tied to the program’s theory
11 Data Collection and Analysis Data Collection Methods Database Data Analysis
12 Reporting Who wants to know about the project? What do they need to know? What are they going to do with the info? What do you want to tell them? Is there another audience or use for the information? Professional journal, presentation, website
13 Questions? Resource Material Evaluation Terms and Concepts - handout Outcomes for Success – Evaluation Forum, Kellogg Logic Model Guide – Evaluation Toolkit, 1&ID=2 1&ID=2 Washington Educational Research Association American Evaluation Association -
14 Thank You! Trudy C. Rolla Public Health – Seattle & King County Environmental Health Division Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County