Regional Fun!
Central Region
Gamma Sigma Chapter
Gamma Sigma Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi Missouri State University
Officers President Steve HarrisSteve Harris Vice-President Jessica ArchamboJessica Archambo Corresponding Secretary Katie PettusKatie Pettus Recording Secretary Beth BuechlerBeth Buechler Treasurer Devon BurchDevon Burch Parliamentarian Menaka GhantiMenaka Ghanti Initiation Advisor Gabby VigilGabby Vigil Rush Advisor Greg ArandaGreg Aranda Historian Becky LucasBecky Lucas
Committees Alumni Fundraising Intramurals Scholarship Service Social Sunshine SGA Representative Webpage Administrator
Events Homecoming Formal Founder’s Day Class Parties
Recently… Fundraising for Relay for Life
Contact sigmapi/ sigmapi/ Gamma Sigma’s website allows brothers from other chapters to access the Brothers Only section by use of the fraternal word- Check it out! Regional Delegate: Victoria Yarborough I contacted Victoria via FACEBOOK, but I have not yet received a reply. When I do though, I’m going to get some candy! You should too!
Chapter Challenge! Contact someone from Gamma Sigma, Alpha, or Beta Omega for candy! I know most of you met people from Alpha this weekend, and they’re on my (Liz’s) Facebook, so they’re easy to find. It takes like 5 minutes, and then you get candy. How easy is that?