Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 Tu 10/13; Update BARK and get out Ch. 7 RNO #AssignmentDue DateStamp 1 Parts of a Compound Light Microscope (in class) Tu 10/13 2 RNO 7.1 F 10/16 3 RNO 7.2 Tu 10/20 4 RNO 7.3 W 10/21 Th 10/22 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 W10/14 & Th 10/15- Update BARK and get out Ch. 7 RNO On back of BARK- Bellwork: Sketch a cell and label as a many cell parts as you can. #AssignmentDue DateStamp 2 RNO 7.1 F 10/16 3 RNO 7.2 Tu 10/20 4 RNO 7.3 W 10/21 Th 10/22 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 F 10/16- Update BARK and get out RNO 7.1 for stamping. #AssignmentDue DateStamp 3 RNO 7.2 Tu 10/20 4 RNO 7.3 W 10/21 Th 10/22 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 M10/19- Turn in Cell Diagrams (staple written work to diagrams) Update BARK and do bellwork. Bellwork: 1.What organelles capture and release energy? 2. What cell boundary is found in plant cells only? #AssignmentDue DateStamp 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 Tu 10/19- Get out your RNO 7.2 for stamping, update BARK and do bellwork. Bellwork: 1. What is the green pigment found in chloroplasts? 2. What is the clear gel-like material that fills up the interior of the cell? #AssignmentDue DateStamp 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 W 10/20 & Th 10/21- Get out your BARK & RNO 7.3 for stamping and update BARK. #AssignmentDue DateStamp 5 RNO 7.4 F 10/23 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 F 10/23-Pick upgraded cell diagrams, and get graph paper and data from Lab Table 5. Get out your BARK & RNO 7.4 for stamping and update BARK. #AssignmentDue DateStamp 6 Magic of Cells Video (in class) W 10/14 Th 10/15 7 Cell Diagrams (in class) M 10/19 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23 10 Bottled Water Graph (in class) F 10/23
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 M 10/26- Update your BARK; do bellwork question on back of BARK and get out a piece of binder paper. Bellwork 10/26: 1.What stain made the potato vacuoles purple and the onion cell wall and nucleus brown? 2.What process takes place in the chloroplasts of a plant? #AssignmentDue DateStamp 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23 10 Bottled Water Graph (in class) F 10/23 11 Cell Transport Gallery Walk (in class) M 10/26
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 Tu 10/27- Update your BARK; get out Cell Transport Poster and Gallery Walk, and RNO 7.4 #AssignmentDue DateStamp 8 Parts of Cell Lab (in class) Tu 10/20 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23 10 Bottled Water Graph (in class) F 10/23 11 Cell Transport Gallery Walk (in class) M 10/26 12 Diffusion and Osmosis Lab (in class) F 10/30
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 W10/28 & Th 10/27- Update your BARK; get out Diffusion and Osmosis Lab from Tuesday. Reminder: Ch. 7 BARK Quiz on Friday 10/30 and BARK will be collected Friday #AssignmentDue DateStamp 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23 10 Bottled Water Graph (in class) F 10/23 11 Cell Transport Gallery Walk (in class) M 10/26 12 Diffusion and Osmosis Lab (in class) F 10/30 13 Cell Transport Review Worksheet M 11/2
Biology Assignment Record Keeper Chapter 7 F 10/30- Pick up graded papers and get out Ch. 7 BARK sheet and notebook for BARK Quiz. #AssignmentDue DateStamp 9 Cell Transport Posters (in class) F 10/23 10 Bottled Water Graph (in class) F 10/23 11 Cell Transport Gallery Walk (in class) M 10/26 12 Diffusion and Osmosis Lab (in class) F 10/30 13 Cell Transport Review Worksheet M 11/2