Keep the database UI simple and in plain English (as best as possible). Consistent registrant UI across TVBDAs and FCC’s unlicensed registration request website. Fast inter-database synchronization (seems to be a non-issue at this time). Security Biases (i.e. Google’s 30 Jan 2012 ECFS Comment).
∙ Less time spent on website by registrant. ∙ Fewer instances of multiple TVBD registrations. ∙ Less TVBDA time spent responding to registrant inquiries. ∙ Less complaints to FCC. ∙ More accurate and timely information from registrants. (More faith in system). ∙ More channels available for TVBDs more often.
All databases, including FCC’s, should use same or very similar page layout, fields, pop up explanations, formatting, etc. (We’ll help design it.) Some sort of help menu and/or field explanation. Common formatting understandable by non-RF engineers and non-developers. ◦ Lat/Lon in DD:MM:SS ◦ Registrant vs owner Simple web pages to be workable over slow internet connections and small screens (phones and sub-tablets).
Wireless microphone (and MVPD) registrations must have a security mechanism: For example, user name and password on a per registration basis in addition to any call sign and/or FRN required. (Do not require username to match licensee name).
Autonomous database tests are one thing; are tests for databases 3-9 going to test inter-database synchronization, and if so what will the metrics be for success/failure? Can the FCC unlicensed wireless microphone registration system and TVBDAs registration UIs be the same or similar ?