Climatic System Energy Budget, Energy Flow, Spatial Variation Angle of Solar Insolation.


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Presentation transcript:

Climatic System Energy Budget, Energy Flow, Spatial Variation Angle of Solar Insolation

Latitude (23.5°N): Summer Solstice (21st June) Equator (0°) Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S) Arctic Circle (66.5°N) Antarctic Circle (66.5°S) Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N)

Mid-day Sun Angle

Angle of Solar Insolation n Spring Equinox : 21st March n Autumn Equinox : 21st September  90°  23.5°  66.5°  23.5°

Angle of Solar Insolation Latitude (23.5°N): Summer Solstice (21st June) Equator (0°) Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S) Arctic Circle (66.5°N) Antarctic Circle (66.5°S) Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N)  90°

?? Angle of Solar Insolation Latitude (0°): Summer Solstice (21st June) 66.5° 90° ° 90° ° = 66.5° 23.5 ° 90°

?? Angle of Solar Insolation Latitude (66.5° N): Summer Solstice (21st June) 66.5°-23.5° 66.5°-23.5° = 43° 90° 90° - 43° 90° - 43° = 47° 47°

?? Angle of Solar Insolation Latitude(23.5°S): Summer Solstice (21st June) 90°90° 23.5° ° 23.5° ° = 47° 23.5° ° 23.5° ° = 47° 90° - 47° 90° - 47° = 43° 90° - 47° 90° - 47° = 43° 43°43°

Angle of Solar Insolation Latitude (66.5°S): Summer Solstice (21st June) 0°0°

Angle of Solar Insolation Summer Solstice (21st June) Summer Solstice (21st June) 0(?)°0(?)° 0°0° 43°43° 66.5°66.5° 90°90° 47°47° 23.5°23.5°

Angle of Solar Insolation Winter Solstice (21st December) Winter Solstice (21st December)0(?)°0(?)° 0°0° 43°43° 66.5°66.5° 90°90° 47°47° 23.5°23.5°

Mid-day Sun Angle

~ END ~