5 Themes of Geography
Theme 1: Location Relative- Relative- The location of one place in relation to anotherThe location of one place in relation to another Absolute- The exact point where a line of latitude crosses a line of longitude, Exactly where something is! Absolute- The exact point where a line of latitude crosses a line of longitude, Exactly where something is!
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Parallels, circle the earth parallel to the Equator
Major lines of latitude North Pole North Pole Arctic Circle Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Cancer Equator Equator Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle Antarctic Circle South Pole South Pole
Longitude Meridians, Circle the earth from Pole to Pole
Theme 2: Place ube.com/watch? v=6v2L2UGZJA M&feature=relat ed ube.com/watch? v=6v2L2UGZJA M&feature=relat ed ube.com/watch? v=6v2L2UGZJA M&feature=relat ed ube.com/watch? v=6v2L2UGZJA M&feature=relat ed Describes the physical features of an area Describes the physical features of an area Such as: Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Vegetation, and Climate
Theme 3: Human/ Environment Interaction
What is it? How we affect and are affected by the environment! How we affect and are affected by the environment!
What is it? Cont’d Using rivers and streams to travel and get resources. Using rivers and streams to travel and get resources. Using the land to farm. Using the land to farm. Changing the land to fit our needs. Changing the land to fit our needs.
There are some negatives too…
From both sides!