Miss Lynch 6th Grade Social Studies Hemispheres Miss Lynch 6th Grade Social Studies
What is a Hemisphere? A globe, much like the Earth is in the shape of a ball or sphere. Looking at a globe from any direction, you can only see half of it. Hemi is a Greek word for “half.” Hemisphere means “half a sphere.”
…What is a Hemisphere? Geographers divide the Earth into 4 hemispheres. Northern Southern Eastern Western
Northern & Southern Hemispheres An imaginary line dividing the world into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres is called the equator. It lies halfway between the North and South Poles, 0° latitude.
Eastern and Western Hemispheres An imaginary line dividing the world into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres is called the Prime Meridian. Located at 0° longitude. Eastern Hemisphere: 1°E - 180° Western Hemisphere: 1°W - 180°
Directions to Complete Maps Label the 7 continents on BOTH maps. Label the 4 oceans on BOTH maps. Label the Prime Meridian and Equator on BOTH maps. Label the Tropic of Cancer AND the Tropic of Capricorn on BOTH maps. Label the Arctic Circle AND Antarctic Circle on BOTH maps Label one map “Northern and Southern Hemispheres,” on the other map “Eastern and Western Hemispheres.” Color each hemisphere Northern: green •Eastern: red Southern: yellow •Western: orange