multimodal workshop PROJECT FORMATION
multimodal project assignment Writing Prompt A multimodal text can be paper-based (books, comics, posters, etc.), digital (slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-posters, web pages, animation, video, etc.), live (performance, etc.), or transmedia (a combination of media platforms that works together as a new medium). A multimodal project helps students to learn to most effectively construct and articulate meaning with various available communication modes (image, movement, sound, gesture, language, etc). Building upon the analysis and the annotated bibliography, students will design a multimodal project that will showcase their own creative and critical understandings of an animal or animals. They could translate their research findings into a mini graphic novel or novella, a series of posters, a podcast, a video, or any other multimodal media.
video lexicon ( a video that dramatizes a theoretical concept ) crises of capitalism the violence of writing
digital storytelling my digital story sofas
comic life
Glogster Odysseus Medusa the Raven vampirism
questions for group discussion WHY do you want to pursue this research question/topic for your multimodal project? HOW is this particular format going to facilitate your communication with your audience? HOW do you think the content of your multimodal text would help convey your message(s)?
annotated bibliography due TUESDAY, NOV 17 th reflective cover letter (1-2 pages): containing a brief introduction of your annotated bibliography, the research question or topic it addresses, the way it has been organized, findings and discoveries, or questions and thoughts it generates, its general relevance to your multimodal project, your experience in putting together this bibliography as a researcher, or any other reflections you would like to share with your instructor. MLA style MLA