ESN Erasmus Student Network Orientation
What is ESN? One of the biggest non-profit interdisciplinary student’s organisations in Europe (1989) Aim: support and develop student exchanges and provide an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ('internationalisation at home'). Principle: “Students helping students” volunteering ESN International|
What is ESN? We are volunteers 427 local sections - university-based ESN is present in 36 countries Services offered to students ESN International|
How ESN works? ESN is operating on three structural levels: Local Structure (eg. sections ESN Lappeenranta) National Structure (eg. all sections from Finland) International Structure (eg. Annual General Meeting – all the sections together) ESN International|
What is ESN Lappeenranta? Established in 2010, ESN status 2011 Open for all international students Volunteer based board, officers, helpers 6
You can find us in.. Facebook PAGE: ESN LAPPEENRANTA GROUP: Lappeenranta International Students 2013/2014 Office Office hours normally Wed Located next to the soda machine in the Student union main lobby
ESN Cards The symbol of the ESN Member A membership card and discount card A website only for partnerships and discounts A tool for all the network International, national and local discounts and deals International Discounts 3 x 15€ Airbnb coupons 25% off products in Logitech webstore Airline offers 20% New Yorker discount
Finnish Evening
Sitz Party
Round trip to Lapland by bus 4 nights Trip to the Arctic Ocean Santa Claus Snow Castle Costs Extra Husky Safari Skiing Snow Mobile Ice Carting Bus to Helsinki 4-person cabin on the ferry 3* hotel, 2 nights Guided city sight-seeing tour by bus Guided tour of the State Hermitage Museum Guided tour of the SS Peter and Paul fortress Visa free LAPLAND ~300€ST. PETERSBURG ~300€
Trips Tallinn End of January Lapland Beginnig of March PoBS March St.Peterburg Early April