After the First Award: Pathways to Success October 16, :00-3:15 PM Dorothy Castille, Ph.D.
Acknowledgements Dr. Michael Zigmond University of Pittsburgh Dr. Beth Fischer University of Pittsburgh Training Faculty to Teach Survival Skills and Ethics NSF Award Number:
O VERVIEW Survival Skills for developing an academic career Mentors and mentorship Bumps in the road: Research career options
Who are we? What’s in it for us? Job Title/ClassificationTotal% New/Early Stage Investigator14817% Experienced Investigator354% Research Trainee or Postdoc314% Department Administrator30436% Office of Sponsored Programs15118% Grant Writer374% IRB Reviewer 51% IRB Administrator91% Other (Please Specify)13416% Experience Level43351% None172% In Training121% Just Starting455% Some Experience25530% Expert10412% Institution Type856100%
Sources for NIH Research Training Opportunities and Information
Career Path for Doctoral Scholars at the NIH
Sources for NIH Resources
The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
Bumps in the Road: Research Career Options
Research Career Options Institution Type856100% University/College (No or small research)19122% University/College (Large NIH funded research)43250% Small Business243% Non-profit13616% Hospital435% State Government61% Federal Government20% Other*223% * Industry
Contact Dorothy M. Castille, PhD