Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Tsair-Fuh Lin, President Taiwan Association of Soil and Groundwater Environmental Protection.


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Presentation transcript:

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Tsair-Fuh Lin, President Taiwan Association of Soil and Groundwater Environmental Protection (TASGEP)

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Who we are  The Taiwan Association of Soil and Groundwater Environmental Protection (TASGEP) was founded on December 12, The main objectives of the TASGEP are to fortify the communication of members from different fields including in situ investigators, remediation scientists, legislators, and environmental protectors, to effectively protect soil and groundwater from environment pollution, and to achieve sustainable utilization of environmental resources in Taiwan.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Who we are  The TASGEP is actively devoted to targets in concern of soil and groundwater protection. To meet these targets, many workshops, conferences, forums, and training courses related to contaminants investigation, regulations, and monitoring and remediation technologies for soil, groundwater, and sediment environments have been organized.  The TASGEP has also assisted many international organizations and foreign governmental agencies to hold many international and cross-strait conferences to promote the technologies of contaminants investigation and remediation.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Who we are  The TASGEP publishes its technical newsletter quarterly to provide communication to academic and industrial circles.  From 2002 to 2012, the TASGEP was consecutively awarded for its role as one of the leading social and occupational organizations in Taiwan from Ministry of Interior Affairs.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection TASGEP  Mission Devoted to targets in concern of soil and groundwater protection.  Our vision To advance the technology, expertise, and professionalism in soil and groundwater protection.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Our Goals To achieve sustainable utilization of environmental resources in Taiwan. To enhance professional knowledge and skills in soil and groundwater protection. To further soil and groundwater knowledge and protection through education and outreach To develop and improve professional practices and procedures for the public’s interest.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Our values  The informed, responsible, and sustainable use of the soil and groundwater resource is our paramount shared concern.  To provide comprehensive services to members.  To establish extensive network with other environment organizations both in Taiwan and overseas.  To organize conferences, seminars, and forums on soil and groundwater themes.  To establish think tank to speak on behalf of the environment industry and make propositions and recommendations for government’s reference.  To establish interdisciplinary exchange platform.  To commit to the social responsibility for shaping a better future.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Description of membership  The membership of the association consists of the following six types: 1. Individual member; [350+] 2. Group member; [53 corporate] 3. Honorary member; 4. Sponsor member; 5. Student member; and 6. International member.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Committees  Committees for TASGEP include, among others: Academic Committee Finance Committee Technical Committee Publishing and Information Committee Taiwan Soil and Groundwater Industry Strategic Alliance Sustainable Remediation Forum Taiwan (SuRF-Taiwan)

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Programs  Organizing conferences, seminars, training courses, and workshops on soil and groundwater themes.  Advancing environment protection education and training.  Publishing TASGEP journal (in progress) and newsletters.  Taiwan Soil and Groundwater Conference.  Annual TASGEP Summit—The National and International Conference on Groundwater.  Coordinating with associated environment societies in different disciplines.  Collecting up-to-date information in soil and groundwater field.  Establishing collaborative relationship with counterpart institutions in international arena.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection

Workshop on Phytotechnologies as Remediation for Contaminated Sites

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection The 6 th cross-strait conferences of soil and groundwater remediation The 5th Cross- Strait Conference on Public Administration The 5th Cross- Strait Conference on Public Administration 主辦單位:中國科學院 承辦單位:中國科學院煙臺海岸帶研究所 協辦單位:中國科學院南京土壤研究所、中國地質大學 ( 北京 ) 、南開大學、中國 地質科學院水文地質環境地質研究所、社團法人臺灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會、 中國土壤學會土壤環境專業委員會會、中國地質學會水文地質專業委員會、中國 生態學會污染生態學專業委員會、中國環境科學學會土壤與地下水環境專業委員 會 會議地點:中國大陸山東煙台.東方海天酒店(地址 - 山東省煙台市萊山區海韻路 12 號) 會議時間: 2012 年 8 月 日(研討會); 2012 年 8 月 29 日起(參訪)

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection 2012 Cross-Strait Conference on Regulatory System and Industrial Outreach of Soil and Groundwater  This project successfully accomplished two cross-strait conferences, in which ample opportunity was provided for exchanging information and experience in soil and groundwater areas between Taiwan and Mainland China.  Through these meeting and other channels it is understood that the main obstacles for Taiwan consulting firms doing business in mainland China are: (1) uncertainty of certificate acquirement, (2) lack of legal protection of investment, (3) the inability of solving relevant problems due to the incomplete legal system, (4) local personal relationship necessary for obtaining contracts, and (5) the lack of legal protection of intellectual property that increases the risk of technical cooperation.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection 2012 Taipei International Conference on Remediation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites 主辦單位:行政院環境保護署 協辦單位:台灣土壤及地下水 環境保護協會、亞洲 土壤及地下水污染整 治工作小組、國立臺 灣大學農業化學系、 財團法人中興工程顧 問社、 NGWA & GWMR (USA) 會議地點:臺大醫院國際會議 中心 ( 臺北市中正區徐州路 2 號 ) 會議時間: 101 年 10 月 30 ~ 31 日 ( 星期二 ~ 三 )

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection 2013 Coffee Forum

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Memorandums of Understanding Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, Seoul, Korea Contaminated Land Applications in Real Environments (Presentation of CL:AIRE and Technology overview of the UK (CL:AIRE), England) Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China National Ground Water Association, USA Several other MOUs are in progress.

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection MOU signing ceremony Olympic Park

In 2012, the SuRF-Taiwan was established. It is the Taiwan’s Sustainable Remediation Forum – an initiative set up to progress the Taiwan understanding of sustainable remediation. SuRF-Taiwan promotes the use of sustainable practices during implementation of remedial action activities with the objective of balancing economic viability, conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, and the enhancement of the quality of life in surrounding communities in Taiwan. The primary objective is to provide a forum for various stakeholders in remediation — industry, government agencies, environmental groups, consultants, and academia — to collaborate, educate, advance, and develop consensus on the application of sustainability concepts throughout the lifecycle of remediation projects, from site investigation to closure. Sustainable Remediation Forum Taiwan SuRF-Taiwan 台灣永續整治論壇

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection 20 Development of a framework in order to embed balanced decision making in the selection of the remediation strategy to address land contamination as an integral part of sustainable development. Assessment of the practical implementation of the SuRF-Taiwan framework to provide the user community with a generic checklist of indicators to enable clear, effective and proportionate sustainable remediation assessments. On-going SuRF-Taiwan Projects

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Journal of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Launched in July 2015 In Chines and English Four Issues each year 21

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Journal of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Journal?PublicationID= Journal?PublicationID= Research paper, Technology review, Case study 22

Taiwan Association of Soil andGroundwater Environmental Protection Thanks for Your Attention Web site of TASGEP : 感謝台灣 EPA 、 台灣土水協會提 供部分投影片