Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 1 DIGITAL AGENDA ASSEMBLY WS 20 (17/06/2011) : Digital literacy and e-Inclusion Practitioner’s perspective Gabriel Rissola, JRC-IPTS Information Society Unit Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Prospective Technological Studies The European Commission’s Research-Based Policy Support Organization
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 2 Third sector Civil society ICT for social inclusion Intermediaries Digital inclusionDigital competence eFacilitators Digital Literacy & eInclusion Adult trainersMediators 35% not regular users 68% not posting (web 2.0) Informal + Formal + Non formal learning Social workers eInclusion initiatives All Europeans Digitally excluded/at risk Socially excluded/at risk low educated unemployed elderly 52% no regular users (low educated, +55 years old, out of employment) 26% no access youth at risk migrants disabled
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 3 Intermediary jobs require a variety of skills Windows Dreamweaver Gimp GNU/Linux Ubuntu Digital Photography Digital Video OpenOffice Organising Digital literacy workshops Volunteering in online centres Managing projects and funds Exchanging good practices with other countries Online procedures for bureaucratic issues Starting up an online centre Resources to support facilitation task Working in a network Facilitating job seeking Web 2.0 Blogs Foreign languages Gender issues DL for children DL for people living in rural areas DL for migrants DL for older people DL for people with disability DL for young people
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 4
5 Workshop’s outcomes 1. Need for a common framework for an agreed terminology re. digital competence 2. Need of targeted ICT solutions for different categories of Intermediaries 3. A wide range of (digital) competences is necessary for intermediaries/multipliers and managers of initiatives 4. eLearning tools and online resources are appropriate for digital intermediaries 5. ICT is a key resource to support volunteering lifecycle 6. ICT is an essential tool to engage certain target groups and to expand the geographical coverage of them 7. Social actors may need to develop collaborative strategies to incorporate ICT into their management practices
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 6 8. To think on measures, need to understand pathways to acquire DC in local contexts 9. The European Digital Literacy (DL) training market is fragmented create conditions to develop & consolidate it 10. Need to professionalise emerging profiles (e.g. e-Facilitator) ad hoc formal education + professional recognition 11. Sustainability remains a crucial issue: funding schemes, multi SH partnerships, ICT use to increase cost effectiveness 12. Awareness raising of “non classical” stakeholders and actors 13. Impact measurement and analysis to mobilise actors Key challenges for eInclusion intermediaries (1/2)
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion 7 1.Funding available to regional and local actors 2.Good practice exchange platforms at local/regional /national/EU level 3.Awareness raising on ICT/DC + policy support for PIAPs and Internet low cost access 4.European Framework on Digital Competence (valid either for end users or intermediaries) 5.Harmonisation (European Framework?) of Digital Competence training provision (supplier side) across MS 6.European Framework for the Recognition and certification of emerging job profiles in the socio-digital Inclusion field Key challenges for eInclusion intermediaries (2/2)
Digital Agenda Assembly 2011 (16-17 June 2011) – Workshop 20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion Thank you