-by Deepika Senthil by Gabriel Ramos Korean Diet -by Deepika Senthil by Gabriel Ramos
Question #7 What might a “typical” Korean breakfast, lunch, and dinner consist of? What utensils do Koreans use to eat their meals? What are the traditional dishes served in Korea?
Typical Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner A typical Korean breakfast is not that much different from the other meals of the day, except for maybe on the lighter side. A typical meal could consist of soup, rice, noodles, kimchi, (fermented cabbage), and a number of banchan (side dishes)
Eating utensils Typically, Koreans use utensils such as Sutgarak (spoon) and jeotgarak (chopsticks).
Traditional Dishes
Citation page "Sujeo." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. n. page. Print. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sujeo>. http://koreanfood.about.com/od/koreanfoodbasics/ig/Korean- Breakfast/ http://www.korea.net/AboutKorea/Korean-Life/Food "Food." n. page. Print. <http://www.korea.net/Aboutkorea/Korean-life/food. >.