你好: 在幻灯片之后附有教案,说明本环节是如 何实施的。欢迎您多提宝贵意见。 蓬莱第二实验中学 邢爱波.


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Presentation transcript:

你好: 在幻灯片之后附有教案,说明本环节是如 何实施的。欢迎您多提宝贵意见。

蓬莱第二实验中学 邢爱波

T: I have been to our school several times,and your school is becoming more and more beautiful. I’m happy to come here again in such a fine day,but there are so many teachers and students around us. I ‘m feeling a little hot.Boy, open the door,please. T: ( After opening the door ) Thank you,good boy. Can you say it in another way? Ss:Could you please…..? /Why not open …/Let’s…./….. Some ways of asking requests that they have learned before.(on the screen) Could/Would you please (not) do… ?

1 Can/Could you please do sth? 2 Would you please do sth? 3 Would you like to do sth? 4 Why don’t you/ Why not do sth? 5 You’d better do sth. 6 How/What about doing sth? 7 Let’s do sth. 8 Shall we do sth? Would you mind doing sth? Polite ways to make requests( 提出请求 )

1.Picture one: some dirty dishes. T: Look, some many dirty dishes.I would say “Would you mind doing the dishes?” S1:No. T: (Teacher helps answer completely) No, not at all. Ask more Ss to practice it. 2.Show another three pictures, let Ss try to ask and answer according to the pictures and the key words, if they can’t,teacher will help them. Then let Ss ask and answer again and again. Some key words: turn down the music not climb the tree not smoke here.

No, not at all. 不,一点也不。 Would you mind …? doing the dishes Certainly not./ Of course not.

Would you mind … turning down the music? 立刻,马上 Ok, I’ll do it right away.

Sorry. I won’t do it again. not climbing the tree Would you mind …

I’m sorry. I will stop it at once. not smoking here I won’t do it again.

1.Look at the pictures in activity1a. T: The people in the pictures have some worries,what should they say? Please choose the sentences from the activity1a, then read the key phrases. 2.Listen and number the requests above in the order you hear them from1-4. (1b) Report the answers like this : T say :Number one. Ss: (the sentence)

1a Match the requests with the people in the picture above. Write the letters a-d in the correct boxes above. a Would you mind cleaning the yard? ______ b Would you mind not playing baseball here? ______ c Would you mind moving your bike? ______ d Would you mind turning down the music? _______ a b c d

1b Listen and number the requests in the order you hear them. a. Would you mind cleaning the yard? ______ b. Would you mind not playing baseball here? ______ c. Would you mind moving your bike? ______ d. Would you mind turning down the music? _______ a b c

Step5. Practice. 1.Learn the target language by heart.(on the screen) 2.Show six pictures to practice in pairs. A: Would you mind (not) doing….? B: Not at all./ Certainly not /Ok, I’ll do it right away. /Sorry, I won’t do that again….

--- Would you mind…? --- No, not at all. Ok, I’ll do it right away. Sorry, I’ll get up in a minute. ---Would you mind not….? ---I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. 礼貌应答

clean the yard not play baseball here not wear those old jeans do the dishes turn down the musicmove the bike A:Would you mind (not) doing…? B:No, not at all./I’m sorry,I’ll do it right away./Ok,I won’t …

1.Read the pictures together,then learn the phrases by heart.. 2.Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them.(2a) 3.Listen again to find out the answers.(2b) Report: S1 ask and S2 answer. 4.Only show the pictures, let Ss retell the pictures by asking and answering.

__ Jenny, Would you mind cleaning the room? Sarah, would you mind doing the dishes? Nancy, would you mind getting out of the bathroom? Nick, would you mind not wearing those old jeans? Pete, would you mind getting up? a b c d e 2a Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them.

a. Would you mind doing the dishes? b. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? c. Would you mind cleaning your room? d. Would you mind getting out of the bathroom? e.Would you mind getting up? ___ Sorry. I won’t be long. ___ I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. ___ OK. I’ll do them in a minute. ___ OK. I’ll put on another pair. ___ OK, dad. I’ll get up now. Listen again. Match the requests in activity 2a. d c a b e

. A game. Have a competation between boys and girls. Girls ask and boys must try to answer.T shows some topics to Ss, they can ask and answer freely, they can say more about the topic, let’s see who says the most wonderfully and the most quickly.

Ask someone to open the window

Make a student clean the desk.

Ask someone to move the bike.

Make someone jump three times.

Ask someone to sing an English song.

Ask someone to sing a song. Ask a student not to speak loudly.

Ask a student not to sit here.

Ask a student not to keep the book too long.

Ask someone to answer the next question.

Ask a student not to run in the classroom.

1.T: You all are good children,and larry is a good boy too. He often helps his parents do house work. Today, his mother left a note on the door,please read the passage quickly. Then answer my questions. Questions: 1.Why did his mother leave the note? 2. What will happen if he finishes the tasks? 2.Look at the pictures and find out what Larry will do. Let Ss say something about the pictures.(some phraess) 3. Complete the note according to the pictures by themselves. 4. Retell the passage, tell what Larry’s mother say.

Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Larry is sleeping late.His mother left a note on his door.Look at the pictures and complete the note. 5 、 Also,you have to _________________. 4 、 Please ______________. 3 、 Would you mind ______________? 1 、 Would you mind ? 2 、 Could you please ? Dear Larry, Your father is at a meeting and I'm going shopping.I need your help. If you finish these tasks,we can tonight. Love, Mom washing the dishes feed the dog cooking dinner go to the library do your homework go to a movie

学以致用 1.Please clean the blackboard.( 同义句 ) ____________________________ 2.Don’t talk in class! ____________________________ 3.Could you please feed the dog? _____________________________ 知识拓展 介意某人干某事 mind one’s doing sth mind if + 从句 eg.1)Would you mind my opening the door? 你介意我打开门吗? 2)Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗? Would you mind cleaning the blackboard? Would you mind feeding the dog? Would you mind not talking in class? Would you mind if I open the door? Would you mind if I smoke here?

Discuss good and bad behavior in our school.

Good and bad behaviors in our school. (行为)

Dear students, No. 1 Middle School is our common home, in order to make it more beautiful, I need your help. * Would you mind… * Could you please… * please… * You have to… …… If everyone tries his best, our school will become more and more beautiful, and we can study happily. The students of Class Notice (布告)

Summary: --- Would you mind…? --- No, not at all. Ok, I’ll do it right away. Sorry, I’ll get up in a minute. ---Would you mind not….? ---I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. How to write a note. 1 2

1 、 ______ _____ ______ not playing baseball here? 2 、 Could you please clean the yard ? (同义句) ______, we will go and play on the playground. ______ _____ ______ ________ the yard ? 3 、 Would you mind wearing the old jeans ? ( 变否定句) ______ _____ ______ ________the old jeans ? 4 、请你把收音机音量拧小,好吗? 对不起,马上就好。 (补全对话)

你将外出旅游,请你给 Nancy 写一 封 。让她帮忙照看你的家 (用上 “Would you mind…?” 句型)