Table of Contents Mission Site Father Serra and Founder of Mission Mission Layout and Bell Tower Agriculture and Livestock Indians Joining this Mission Significant Events Population Current Use of Mission What I Liked Best Bibliography Back to main menu
When Mission was Built (Founded) San Fernando Rey de Espana was founded in Sept 8, 1797.
Father Juniper Serra In November 24th , 1713 he was born. He past away in August 28 , 1784 ( he was 70).
Mission Site San Fernando Rey site is located in Los Angeles. It take's five hours to get there in car.
Founder of Mission The founder of San Fernando Rey is Father Fermin Lasuen.
Mission Layout and Bell Tower
Agriculture and Livestock San Fernando
Indians Joining this Mission A thousand Indians joined San Fernando Rey.
Population Two, thousand people, twelve, thousand-eight-hundred, and forty-five pigs.
Significant Events On March 8
Current Use of the Mission They use it for people to do there prayers. They use it for catholic funerals . They also use it for people to look around.
What I Liked Best I liked the History of the Mission. What I liked best about San Fernando Rey was the population.
How to write a bibliography Webpages: Name of Author. "Title of Web Page." Date you accessed this page. <URL>. "The California Missions Trail." 2 Feb 2010. <>. Images (pictures): “Title of Image.” Title of website. Date you accessed the picture. <URL>. "Mission San Diego de Alcala." South Coast of California. 2 Feb 2010. <>. Books: Name of Author. Title of Book. Name of editor, translator or compiler. Location: Publisher, Year. page numbers. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, 1978. Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.