Discipleship for DCBC
Rick Warren “Always getting what you want instead of what you need leads to boredom, and ultimately misery.”
Lord’s Prayer Look at the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) Break it down line by line Break it down line by line What principles of praying does Jesus emphasise? What principles of praying does Jesus emphasise? What aspects are missing from your prayer life? What aspects are missing from your prayer life?
Mark 11:22-25 Faith is essential Faith is essential With faith anything is possible With faith anything is possible You must believe that it can happen You must believe that it can happen God can do anything and we need to believe and trust him God can do anything and we need to believe and trust him But again forgiveness is essential But again forgiveness is essential It is a transaction of forgiveness It is a transaction of forgiveness
Forgiveness Is there someone you need to forgive?
Philippians 4:6-7 We are not to worry - but pray - Matthew 6:27 We are not to worry - but pray - Matthew 6:27 Tell God what you need - not what you want. Tell God what you need - not what you want. Thank God - as if it had already been answered Thank God - as if it had already been answered Leave it with God - don’t carry it around with you - that way you can be at peace Leave it with God - don’t carry it around with you - that way you can be at peace This peace passes all understanding This peace passes all understanding It is God’s peace we then need to rely upon It is God’s peace we then need to rely upon How often do we pray and then go back to worrying How often do we pray and then go back to worrying Rather than praying and trusting Rather than praying and trusting
Isaiah 58:1-12 What did the people expect when they fasted? What did the people expect when they fasted? But who were they trying to please? But who were they trying to please? What were they doing wrong? What were they doing wrong? What should they have been doing? What should they have been doing?
All kinds of prayers Extempore Extempore Liturgy Prayer beads Silence Praying the word Fasting - (whole bodies) Symbols - candles, cross, pictures