Membership Growth: The State perspective Deby Dihoff, Executive Director NAMI NC Annual Conference March 9, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Membership Growth: The State perspective Deby Dihoff, Executive Director NAMI NC Annual Conference March 9, 2007

The Big Picture Let’s have a look at membership history from 1995 to 2007: a 12 year history Consider that one in five Americans is touched by mental illness when determining what is the “right size” for NAMI NC and its Affiliates

Detail by affiliate Refer to printed version for membership history

What story do the numbers tell? 31 active affiliates plus NAMI NC (32) 12 inactive affiliates (defined as no members in last two years) 1 student chapter (ECU) Ashe, Foothills, Hoke, Lenoir, Onslow, Person, Roanoke-Chowan (became Halifax), Rutherford, Sampson, Sandhills, Stanly, Surry-Yadkin 10 Affiliates are thriving (growth in last two years)

“Thriving” affiliates Cabarrus Coastal Halifax High Country Moore Randolph Wake Western Carolina Wilmington New Bern

Interest in Forming Affiliates Sandhills Community College (student) Johnston County Sylva NC Vance County UNC Asheville (student)

More on the bar graph story Membership grew consistently from 1995, when data was first kept (except for the blip in 96) up until 2000 Growth went from 977 to peak of 1683 Membership then declined fairly consistently from 2001 to membership was 977; 2006 ended with 1177

What caused the membership decline? Some theories: –Turnover at state office –Lack of consistent policies –Lack of NAMI NC presence to bolster interest in joining –Lack of Communication between state office and affiliates

Theories… 2000 was the year of the small grants to affiliates by NAMI NC, funded by development efforts This year was followed by 6 years of extensive turnover NAMI NC is not alone in experiencing difficulty in recruitment

What are we doing to fix it? Lots of things! Communications Policies Goal Setting Training Making it Easy…..

Communications Continuing monthly conference calls with affiliate presidents; written follow up Web site enhancements Sharing information from national Asking affiliates how we can help Affiliate Questionnaire (Feb 19) – send them back with your thoughts!! Exploring broadcast s to membership

Communications Face to Face visits to affiliates (Board and staff of state office) Invite the state office…and we will come Already visited: Wake, Halifax, Moore Scheduled: Wilson, Rocky Mount, Durham Others?? Purpose: listen, share, re-energize

Policies Adopted a membership and dues procedure (posted on web site; shared with presidents) We’re trying to collect bylaws; 501©(3) Adopting follow up procedures –Moore County does two written renewal notices, then a phone call

Setting Goals Each One Reach One Campaign Good to Great: NAMI NC ST Goal: 1500 in one year LT Goal: 3000 in three years

Goals… NAMI NC is adopting a marketing plan as a strategy for growth Let’s target new “niches”: sheriffs (CIT), LME, providers, clergy Goal to consistently f/u with F2F, Support Group, Peer to Peer, and other program participants to become members – 80% of these should ultimately become members

Training Western Carolina received a national Opportunity Grant – we’ll track and share what they learn about growing membership Interest in regional meetings on web site development or other topics? NAMI NC is sharing toolkits with emerging chapters and is willing to do face to face visits Assist struggling affiliates to stabilize through institution of a mentoring program

Making it Easy…some ideas Media Toolkits to be developed thanks to BMS grant Template renewal letters State office is restructuring to assign staff time to marketing Considering NAMI logo “gifts” for membership/donor levels (mugs, decals, bookmarks…) Creation of a speakers’ bureau

Summary NAMI NC growth from good to great in partnership with affiliates where all membership starts Notice the changes already: News & Observer spread on mental health had a NAMI NC article The NAMI NC Board’s Goal #l is to Enhance NAMI NC’s Visibility We’re on our way, working together