The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Dallin Townsend
Location The hanging Gardens of Babylon are located 6,835 miles from Olympia, Washington to around Baghdad, Iraq. The absolute location of this place is 33 degrees north, latitude, and 45 degrees east longitude. When visiting The Hanging Gardens of Babylon you can travel through Syria or Iran. While there you can visit Egypt to the south west, Kazakhstan to the north east, and Tunisia to the west of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Description When describing The Hanging Gardens of Babylon interesting features come to mind, like the raised terraces, they used pumping systems to get water on each level. Also King Nebuchadnezzar the second used all of the plants available in the kingdom, and The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were made of mud bricks, and stone, and they might have had hollow columns filled with dirt to hold trees.
Why famous and built King Nebuchadnezzar the built The Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife Amytis, because she was homesick for the lush plants and fountains of Persia. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are famous because it was a beautiful place in the middle of a desert, and it is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Current status Yes, it is possible to see The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but all that’s left are some crumbling bricks. People would want to visit because it’s proof that at least one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Map of Iraq The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are around Baghdad Iraq, and the Euphrates River.
Reflection Statements I learned that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are located about 50 miles from Baghdad, Iraq and near the east bank of the Euphrates River. I think I did a good job on finding it’s location. I can improve on describing The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. My favorite part was finding pictures.