1 M2M2 M1M1 M 1p M3M3 M 3p M4M4 M6M6 M7M7 M0M0 M 0p et M 7p Flatop modulation: to keep on the surface of the cube Without or with homopolar Value Trace in the (d,q) plane P1P1 P2P2 Without homopolar value S eric PHD THESIS June 2000
2 M 0p et M 7p Mandatory homopolar component Flatop modulation: to keep on the surface of the cube With homopolar value
3 M1M1 M 1p M2M2 Homopolar non equal to zero Flatop modulation: to keep on the surface of the cube With homopolar value
4 Flatop modulation: to keep on the surface of the cube
5 M1M1 M 1p With homopolar component P1P1 P2P2 M 2p Flatop modulation: to keep on the surface of the cube