1 OSPF WG meeting, IETF61 OSPF Wireless Design Team update November 8, 2004 Tom Henderson
2 Overview Design team met in San Diego and discussions continuing since then Agreed on problem statement Several initial agreements on work scope Summarize current technical discussions Next steps
3 Problem statement Design team chartered to produce initial set of OSPFv3 extensions for wireless environment –motivated by (expired) draft-baker-manet-ospf- problem-statement-00 Extensions to become WG documents and reviewed by MANET and OSPF WGs
4 Problem statement (cont.) 1.Focus on OSPFv3 and not OSPFv2 2.Compatibility with non-wireless OSPFv3 3.Intra-area extensions only 4.Not focusing on transit network case, but should not be precluded 5.Scaling goal is nodes on wireless channel 6.Leverage existing MANET work where possible 7.Use RFC 3668 guidance on dealing with IPR claims
5 Consensus reached so far Working on defining a new MANET interface type rather than a MANET area type –in parallel with existing OSPF interface types Focusing first on designing an optimized flooding mechanism for new LSA generation –using acknowledged (reliable) flooding –unacknowledged (periodic) flooding is a possible future extension
6 Current technical discussions Optimizing flooding behavior in broadcast wireless network –reduced number of transmissions to reliably disseminate LSAs –robustness also important –must make sense within OSPF framework– minimize change to OSPF Trying to leverage previous work done in MANET –Source-dependent vs. source-independent relay node sets
7 Next steps Simulation evaluation of flooding alternatives Consider whether to define additional wireless optimizations –or else defer to a later design cycle Planning draft submission to March IETF