Waterflood Management Case Study - Goal Change waterflood strategy early in waterflood to maximize recovery: 12 months of waterflood performance Predicted ultimate waterflood recoveries are only half what was forecast How do we increase waterflood recovery ?
Waterflood Management – How ? Step 1 - Design optimal waterflood strategy: History match primary production Step 2 - Change waterflood strategy continuously in real time to maximize recovery: Why ? Primary history match does not normally require understanding vertical/areal heteregenities How ? Downhole pressure data + tracer tests + simulator
Waterflood – Tracer versus Pressure Pressure Advantages: Effect of pressure seen 10 times faster than tracer response Time is money !
Proposed Waterflood Sweep in Unconformity After 650 days of flooding :
Proposed Waterflood Sweep in Upper After 650 days of flooding :
Pressure Contour Maps in Both Sands After 285 and 650 days of flooding :
Cumulative Production Map in Unconformity
Oil+Water Bubble Map in Upper Sand
Waterflood Results – Correct Perm Map Bypassed oil identified before water breakthrough Areas with water overinjection identified
Waterflood Study Case Study - Results Downhole pressures/production information was used to: Generate accurate permeability distribution maps in the model Discover bypassed oil/overinjection long before breakthrough: Breakthrough anticipated in 3-96 months Water injection strategy changed within first 15 months Waterflood recovery may now be doubled Overall water injection rates reduced by 30%