Christopher A. Moren OFCM Science and Technology Corporation REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS.


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Presentation transcript:

Christopher A. Moren OFCM Science and Technology Corporation REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS


WIST Requirements Document (Draft) Needs and Requirements Timeline Analyze WIST Questionnaires WIST Proceedings FHWA 1st Stakeholders Mtg WIST II Symposium Query WIST Shareholders Validate Criteria Integrate Responses WIST/JAG Mtg FHWA 2nd Stakeholders Mtg ICMSSR WIST Status WIST/JAG Mtg Follow-up/Refinement of WIST Questionnaires Comprehensive WIST Requirements Document (Final Draft) Review & Edit WIST Requirements Document WIST Symposium Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Preparations for WIST Symposium ICMSSR Brief on WIST Requirements Document REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology May 2001 FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan 2000Dec 1999

Design –Surface Transportation Mode –Provider(s) –Customer(s) –Weather Factors Design –Surface Transportation Mode –Provider(s) –Customer(s) –Weather Factors Data Gathering - Design / Query REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology

Query - Questionnaire –Mission –Weather Factors –Time & Scale –Providers –Receipt Methods Query - Questionnaire –Mission –Weather Factors –Time & Scale –Providers –Receipt Methods Data Gathering - Design / Query

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Query - Survey –Mission –Actions (Decisions) –Additional Weather Factors (Fidelity) –Time & Scale (Responsibilities) –Topography Query - Survey –Mission –Actions (Decisions) –Additional Weather Factors (Fidelity) –Time & Scale (Responsibilities) –Topography Data Gathering - Design / Query

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Administrative Records Scale Records Data Records Administrative Records Scale Records Data Records Database Structure

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Administrative –Agency –Organization –Mode –Mission –Action - Decision –Address(s) Administrative –Agency –Organization –Mode –Mission –Action - Decision –Address(s) Database Structure

Database Structure - Administrative REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Distribution of Records by Transportation Mode ModeRecords All 2 Emergency Mgmt 18 Pipeline 5 Rail 47 Road 157 Waterway 32 No mode identified 1

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Topography Time Spatial Resolution Topography Time Spatial Resolution Database Structure - Scale

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Responses Time Database Structure - Timeline

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Responses Resolution Database Structure - Spatial Resolution

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Visibility –Obstruction to Vision –Threshold –Note Precipitation –Type –Threshold –Note Drifting Snow Icing Flooding Visibility –Obstruction to Vision –Threshold –Note Precipitation –Type –Threshold –Note Drifting Snow Icing Flooding Database Structure - Data

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Temperature –Type –Threshold –Note Relative Humidity –Threshold –Note Heat Index –Threshold –Note Wind Chill –Threshold –Note Temperature –Type –Threshold –Note Relative Humidity –Threshold –Note Heat Index –Threshold –Note Wind Chill –Threshold –Note Database Structure - Data

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Wind Data –Speed –Direction –Threshold –Note Tropical Thunderstorm Tornado Lightning –Distance –Time –Type Wind Data –Speed –Direction –Threshold –Note Tropical Thunderstorm Tornado Lightning –Distance –Time –Type Database Structure - Data

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Small Craft Advisories –SCA –Gale –Storm –Note Seas –Wave Height –Tides/Surge –Currents –Sea Ice –Note Small Craft Advisories –SCA –Gale –Storm –Note Seas –Wave Height –Tides/Surge –Currents –Sea Ice –Note Database Structure - Data

REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Optics –Glare –Mirages –Note Pollution –Note Optics –Glare –Mirages –Note Pollution –Note Database Structure - Data

Example Output REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology

Example Output REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Normalized Precipitation by Mode

Example Output REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Freezing Rain Records

Data derived from the questionnaires, interviews, and surveys provides foundation to build WIST needs and requirements This data-set forms a nucleus from which both public and private weather providers can: –Refine existing capabilities –Improve capabilities and services –Identify and leverage research and development proposals –Implement new initiatives for surface transportation weather information heretofore not addressed –Identify weather information needs and weather products Data derived from the questionnaires, interviews, and surveys provides foundation to build WIST needs and requirements This data-set forms a nucleus from which both public and private weather providers can: –Refine existing capabilities –Improve capabilities and services –Identify and leverage research and development proposals –Implement new initiatives for surface transportation weather information heretofore not addressed –Identify weather information needs and weather products REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Summary


Database Structure - Administrative REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS PROCESS Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Distribution of Records by Agency Agency Records Federal36 Commerce 1 Defense 5 Energy 4 Interior 4 Transportation 5 FEMA 1 NASA 5 USDA 8 USPS 3 State 188 EMA 20 Port Authority 15 Transit Authority 78 Transportation 75 Commercial 21 Association 1 User 13 Provider 7 University 17