Welcome to Parent Orientation Mrs. Randolph and Mrs. Scott 2nd Grade class
Tardies and Absences Students are tardy if they are not in the classroom at 8:20 when the bell rings. Students are counted absent if they are not in the classroom by 9:45. Please send a note the day your child returns from being absent.
Homework and Agenda Books Homework is assigned every Monday and is due on Thursday. Any papers that need to be done will be in the Blue Homework Folder unless otherwise noted. Homework is written in the agenda by the students on Monday. Parents are expected to review the agenda and sign it. It is due Tuesday as part of the homework grade.
Discipline Please refer to the Klein ISD handbook. In the classroom: –One verbal warning –If the behavior continues the child will move the conduct clip. –A conduct grade is given daily.
Tuesday Folder Red Kreinhop Folder The Tuesday folder is sent home each Tuesday with graded work. Parents are expected to review & keep the papers, sign, and return the folder Wednesday.
Grading Period Klein ISD elementary schools are on a 9 week grading period. Progress reports are sent home for each child during the 5th week of the grading period.
Dress Code Please refer to your handbook if you have any questions. Shorts must be mid-thigh close to the knees No tank tops, spaghetti straps or muscle shirts No flip flops No head coverings (hats, bandanas, scarves) Tennis shoes or closed toe shoes are preferred
Randolph’s Schedule Music 1:15 – 2:00 Monday, 2:00 – 2:45 Thursday P.E. 1:15 – 2:00 Tuesday – Wednesday, Friday Library – 2:00 – 2:30 Friday Art – 9:55 – 10:40 every other Friday Lunch - 11:40 – 12:10
Conferences We are available: –1:20 Monday through Wednesday, Friday –After school some days –Please save October 18 evening for Parent University Night –Conferences with Parents will be held on November 6, Sign up information will be sent home in October. If you are unable to attend, please contact us about scheduling a conference on another day or about a phone conference.
The Best Way to Reach Us is the best way to reach us –Please do not leave change of transportation on our or phones. Contact the front office with this information.
Pride and Power School is divided into 2 teams Randolph – Pride (green) Scott – Power (black) Program is to promote attendance and good work ethics Class earns points for good attendance (no tardies, no early dismissals), homework completion, and good behavior The winning team is announced Thursday mornings Students can wear their team color on Thursdays