FY07 eVA Business Plan eVA User Groups – August, 2006
eVA Business Plan – What Changed? Transaction Fees = 2% per transaction (previously 1% to vendor only) Transaction Fees = Shared by Vendor and Agency
eVA Business Plan – What Changed? 1% transaction fee on every transaction to a registered vendor. Transaction fees are capped for SWAM Vendors at $ per transaction Transaction fees are capped for non-SWAM Vendors at $ per transaction 2% transaction fee if not compliant to eVA requirement. JMU WILL NOW BE PAYING FOR EVA
Quantitate What It Means: Last Year JMU Paid in eVA Fees: $
Quantitate What It Means: E&G: $205, Auxiliaries: $138, Grants:$ 11, Capital: $ 67,000.00
Is this really going to be allowed? No indication it is not. Counsel of Presidents have lobbied the Secretary of Education VASCUPP has lobbied DGS Request for additional exclusions is being submitted. We need to proceed as if it will be allowed.
Any good news? JMU will retain an exemption from paying fees on Non-Registered Vendor Transactions for FY07 Represents a savings of 2% transaction fee on approximately 15% of all transactions Caveats: – We can’t show an increase in transactions to non-registered vendors or exemption will be pulled – We have to aggressively continue to register vendors who we use that are not registered currently
Invoicing of Transaction Fees from the State Will receive first bill in September for July 1 – August 31 transactions. After that = monthly Will be one bill to the university. State to provide JMU the detail to break down the fees by org code.
Payment Plan for University – FY07 One payment remitted to the State from central org. code. (Procurement will process) Funding of payment is dependent on where transaction originated from
Payment of Transaction Fees - Auxiliaries FY07: Funding for payment of transaction fees E&G Orgs From Appropriation Received through State – for FY07 only Auxiliaries July 1 – December 31: Auxiliary Reserve January 1 – June 30: Auxiliary Budget: Chargeback to individual org codes Capital Capital Funding – Chargeback to individual org codes Grants/Sponsored Programs Grant Funding – Chargeback to individual org codes. Grant Accounting will be processing these fees according to their procedures for recovery of fees from granting agencies.
What can departments do? Prepare from a budget prospective Aggressively seek to get vendors registered to prepare for the R02 exemption being pulled. Continue to comply with the state requirement.
What can departments NOT do? Decide not to use eVA – it is mandatory Creative procurement = bundling confirming orders to meet caps, selecting R02 when the vendor is registered, etc. – the cost will be greater in the long run for the entire university
Fiscal Projections for FY08 All departments need to budget for these transaction fees based on the current schedule Procurement will be assisting with projections by providing analysis of spending reports as early as January 2007
Tips To Avoid Higher Transaction Fees Reconcile your Pcard on time, every time and include your DO/PCO information or a valid and appropriate exclusion. Put all orders through eVA or have a valid and appropriate exclusion marked on your Accounting Voucher Limit personal reimbursements. Use Registered eVA Vendors. Utilize eVA Registered SWAM vendors when possible. Call us if you need help. ANY QUESTIONS ON eVA BUSINESS PLAN?
Paper Requisition Form The Requisition for Purchase form is used to obtain goods and services that the department will not process through eVA, or for items that cannot be purchased through eVA or on the SPCC.
SWAM Vendor Fair October 25, 2006 Vendor Displays Open – 9:00 – 12:00 – 1:00 – 3:00 Transportation Available From Convocation Center Lot and Godwin Lot