Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Capacity Development for CDM Second National Workshop for Egypt Cairo, January 2004 Financial issues in relation with CDM projects Samir Amous, APEX, Tunisia Regional Centre for North Africa and Middle-East Tel : Fax :
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Aspects to be considered : CDM Financing issues Financial viability Funding Scheme and mobilization of resources Disbursement issues Risk Management
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a part of a broader Funding scheme involving other sources
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Important to avoid confusion and frustration : CDM is not a panacea CDM is not about to meet all funding needs CERs x carbon rate Might not contribute to investment, but rather to increase annual cashflows project profitability CDM is not about to fund all types of projects CO2 reduction+fit CDM criteria Need to involve classical funding mechanisms and sources
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January The CDM Carbon market will determine to which extent CDM investors can contribute CDM funding contribution : likely to be an Add-on rather than core funding Needs for close linkage with WB, Regional Banks, UNDP, Bilaterals (linkages with ODA), etc.
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Total Investments : US$ 50 million (transaction costs not included) Emission reductions : 1.4 million T- CO2 eq. over the lifetime of the project (20 years) CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : cogeneration development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : cogeneration development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Total Investments : US$ 155 million (transaction costs not included) Emission reductions : 8.2 million T- CO2 eq. over the lifetime of the project (30 years) CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Wind power development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Wind power development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Total Investments : US$ 1.2 million (transaction costs not included) Emission reductions : 0.2 million T- CO2 eq. over the lifetime of the project (10 years) CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Efficient Residential Lighting (CFLs)
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Efficient Residential Lighting (CFLs)
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Need to develop capacities not only on CDM but also on financial issues Imagine and prepare a complete funding scheme, with parallel contact with various co-investor CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Lifetime implications
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : cogeneration development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Wind power development in Tunisia
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Financial Viability
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM allows planned project to enhance their financial performance, depending on: Quantity of CERs Price of CERs Transaction costs
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Quantity of CERs generated will depend on: Crediting period selected : 10 years without renewal, or 7 x 3 years Risks associated with the project Volatility of the CERs Price of CERs generated will depend on: Current Carbon Market (US$3-5) Future prospects for PK and CDM implementation Willingness to promote a technology Existence of guarantees Other collateral impacts (positive or negative)
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Transaction costs: Feasibility studies (PDD) Preparation of Funding scheme and fund raising Governmental permits Contractual arrangements Operational Entity fees (Validation, Verification) Monitoring and Reporting Registration and Certification Updating the baseline Adaptation Levy (2%) Share of Proceeds
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January The issue of Transaction Costs How to reduce TC How to establish a balanced portfolio : equalization system of TC ?? Better take the development priorities into account CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context US$ 1.5 /TCO Cts/TCO2
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Fund raising for CDM projects
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Fund raising Complementary funding should be estimated Contact with possible funders – either grants, loans or equity funds national, bilaterals, multilaterals)
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January Disbursement schedule from CDM investor
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January CDM as a subcomponent in a broader financial context : Disbursement Schedule from CDM investor 12% End of the First Commitment Period
Capacity Development for CDM - Egypt, Second National Workshop - Phase II - Cairo, January