Preservation Strategies: Data transfer & submission agreements Ronald Weaver National Snow and Ice Data Center Version 1.0 Review Date
Module Template: Subtitle; Version 1.0, Reviewed 9/15/11 Overview - Importance A major part of the data preservation process is establishing provenance as well as safe preservation of the actual data bits Data transfer/submission agreements are an important link in the provenance and documentation chain
Module Template: Subtitle; Version 1.0, Reviewed 9/15/11 Data Transfer Agreements Each Long Term Archive (LTA) has its own process It is important that the data provider contact the LTA to understand the ingest process This initial contact typically includes development of a transfer agreement which outlines the responsibilities of each party (LTA and provider) in the transaction
Module Template: Subtitle; Version 1.0, Reviewed 9/15/11 References and Resources Several websites offer links to more general data management plan development. We suggest starting with the following: Digital Curation Centre Plans (Useful checklist for developing a data management plan) University of California Curation Center (Data Planning Checklist) Data Management and Publishing (MIT) Data Management and Publishing (Univ of Minnesota) Common internet search terms “data management plan” “earth science data management”
Module Template: Subtitle; Version 1.0, Reviewed 9/15/11 References and Resources Examples of transfer agreements See also “Submission Agreements under For Data Managers”
Module Template: Subtitle; Version 1.0, Reviewed 9/15/11 Other Relevant Modules List modules that are related