Journey toward a Balanced Assessment System
Clarified reasons for balanced assessment system CORE K-12 will be provider of the comprehensive formative assessment system Did not clarify what happens if School Board does not approve CORE K-12 contract.
FCAT II with NGSSS just around the corner
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment We need to know if our students are learning the NGSSS throughout the school year?
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment We need to know if our students are learning the NGSSS throughout the school year?
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment How we know if our students are learning the NGSSS throughout the school year
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment
Testing Platform Delivering Scoring Reporting Linking instructional resources Providing parent access NGSSS mini-assessments PD and communication to internal and external stakeholders CORE K-12 Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment ?
No CORE K12 was selected by the SDPBC as the vendor who could best meet our needs. Are there competitive vendors?
Yes, but it will take two years to develop & cost $1,587,000. Annual costs would be $1,234,956 CAN THE SDPBC PROVIDE THE TESTING PLATFORM?
Yes, but it is cost ineffective Per school cost Other vendor: $3,800 CORE K12: $712
Yes, but based on previous Sunshine State Standards FCAT item specifications
SDPBC ProvidesCORE K-12 Mini Assessments$9.29$.94 Diagnostics 1 $6.30$ includes fall printing /delivery costs. Yes, but not in time for first semester of FY11 and it is not cost effective Cost Per Student
Alternatives No competitive vendors Not enough time Poor use of limited resources
We need to know if our students are learning the NGSSS throughout the school year?
FCAT 2 Tests NGSSS Diagnostics NGSSS Mini Assessments Daily Monitoring with NGSSS item bank NCEA Practices of High-Performing School Districts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards C O R E K 1 2 Teacher Daily Monitoring State Assessment Low Performing > Achievement < Gaps