University Transportation Centers Program Dr. Kevin Womack Director, Office of Research, Development and Technology Office of the Assistant Secretary for.


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Presentation transcript:

University Transportation Centers Program Dr. Kevin Womack Director, Office of Research, Development and Technology Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology U.S. Department of Transportation July 2015

UTC Program History (1) 1987 UTC program initiated under the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act – 10 competitively selected Centers, one in each Federal region Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) – 10 Regional Centers and 9 designated Centers to named universities Transportation Equity Act for the 21 st Century (TEA-21) – 10 Regional Centers, 23 Centers at named universities TEA-21 required a competition to reduce the number of named Centers, seven Centers were not selected, reducing the number of named Centers to 16. 2

UTC Program History (2) 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) – Number of Centers increased to 60: 10 Regional Centers and 10 Tier I Centers competed and 40 Centers at named universities SAFETEA-LU extension funding used for a competition to select 10 Regional Centers and 12 Tier I Centers Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP-21) – 10 Regional Centers, 5 National Centers, 20 Tier I Centers – All selected competitively. 3

UTC Program History (3) Over 2,500 research projects have been conducted utilizing UTC funds Over 6,000 undergraduate students have participated in UTC funded research projects Over 10,000 masters students have received degrees in transportation related fields utilizing UTC funding support Over 1,500 doctoral students have received degrees in transportation related fields utilizing UTC funding support 4

Current UTC Program Current program status: 35 UTCs competitively selected in 2013 per MAP-21, operating until September National Centers, ̴$3 million per year 10 Regional Centers, ̴$2.75 million per year 20 Tier I Centers, ̴$1.5 million per year 125 total universities involved Includes 35 Minority Serving Institutions 5 Minority Serving Institutions are Tier I leads 22 UTCs competitively selected in 2012 per SAFETEA-LU extension, operating until January

UTC Program Match requirements: Historically, match required was on a one to one basis for all Centers. In kind match allowed. Use of SPR and LTAP funds allowed. MAP-21 altered match requirements for Tier I Centers, to a 0.5:1 level. National and Regional Centers remain at 1:1. Match requirement creates partnering opportunities between universities and State DOTs. 6

Successful Partnership Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development through the Louisiana Transportation Research Center And University of Louisiana at Lafayette through the National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness “Development of a Highway Safety Fundamental Course” A teaching package of transportation safety topics—including safety-related data, models, and evaluation guidance—for university-level undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering. 7

GROW AMERICA ACT Continues UTC Program as envisioned in MAP-21: Competitively selected Concurrent selection of all three types of UTCs Lower matching fund requirement for Tier 1 UTCs Key changes proposed: Reduce certain partnering restrictions Expand US DOT consultation on selections to include FRA Administrator Expand types of Federal funds allowable as match Allow other US DOT agencies to fund a UTC to be selected along with the others 8