Elements of Artwork Space is the area surrounding individual parts within the piece. It is 2 dimensional/flat but an artist may create a 3D illusion. Pattern is a repetition of a design sometimes used to create a 3D effect.
Gray and Gold John Rogers Cox (1915 – 1990) It is a picture showing natural scenery. Sunset Frederic Remington ( )
Gray and Gold John Rogers Cox (1915 – 1990) It is a method used to create a 3D illusion. Sunset Frederic Remington ( )
Sunset Frederic Remington ( ) 1.Vanishing point on the horizon; 2.Objects close to you (foreground) are larger than those farther from you (background); 3.Colors in the background are paler than those in the foreground.
Materials : Paper Pencil Watercolor pencils Paintbrushes Water
Step 1: Sketching With a pencil draw a horizontal line across the middle of your paper. Mark the vanishing point.
Draw two lines, coming apart, from the vanishing point down toward the bottom of your paper. This will be your road.
Add some hills, clouds and bushes in the background.
Step 2: Coloring in
Use dark green to color in the bushes on the horizon. To add flowers to your field, color in patches of different colors.
Finish up by using brown and gray or black to color in the road and the hills.
Step 3: Painting with watercolors Please, use very little water to mix the colors on your paper. Too much water will make your painting look muddy.
Make darker hues stay closer to the horizon to create the 3D illusion of the perspective.
Keep the bushes in the far distance very dark in color. This effect adds depth to your painting.
Finish your watercolor landscape.