WMAP Cosmology Courtesy of NASA/WMAP Science Team map.gsfc.nasa.gov.


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Presentation transcript:

WMAP Cosmology Courtesy of NASA/WMAP Science Team map.gsfc.nasa.gov

Before And After The First Light


WMAP Maps 23 GHz, 0.82 o,  6 mK/  N obs 33 GHz, 0.62 o,  3 mK/  N obs 41 GHz, 0.49 o,  2 mK/  N obs 61 GHz, 0.33 o,  1.4 mK/  N obs 94 GHz, 0.21 o,  1.4 mK/  N obs Galactic mask from the lowest frequency N obs 10 3

The CMB Angular Power Spctrum

Throwing Pebbles In The Primordial Pond Homogeneity & Isotropy Black Body Spectrum + + +

Understanding The Sound Of The Early Universe Isocurvature Adiabatic

Cosmological Parameters Basic Analysis: h, n s, k  dn s /dk,  b h 2,  m h 2,  8,  2 ,WMAP, WMAP+ACBAR+CBI+2dF+Lyman  Extension: , m ,w DE, r h=0.71  0.06, n s =0.91  0.06, 0.93  0.03 k  dn s /dk =...,  b h 2 =0.022  0.001,   m h 2 =0.14  0.01,  8 =0.9  0.1,  =0.20  0.07, 0.17  0.06

Extension:  WMAP+ACBAR+CBI+HST+SNIa+(H 0 >50 km/sec/MPc):  =1.02  0.02 Extension: m  Extension: w DE Extension: r WMAP+ACBAR+CBI+2dF:   h 2 =  i m i /93.5 eV <  m  <0.23 eV WMAP+ACBAR+CBI+HST+SNIa+2dF: w DE < WMAP+ACBAR+CBI+2dF+infl.cons.rel.: r < -0.71

The Limits On Non-Gaussianity  =  L +f NL (  L 2 - ) WMAP: -58< f NL < -134 Departure from Gaussianity at 2 th order: The simplest inflationary scenario predicts f NL ' 10 -1

Reionisation C l T  exp(-2  ) on l > l rh C l T,TE,E,B  on l < l rh  0.20

Open Problems: The Early Universe Initial conditions mostly adiabatic, Gaussian, scale-invariant, consistent with the simplest inflationary scenario, but that remains effective. Is the spectral index really running? What does it mean? Can we have a better limit on non-Gaussianity? Can we detect primordial gravitational waves? Can we hope to fix inflation into a coherent supersymmetric context?

Open Problems: Concordance Model An happy review of the Cosmological Constant Problem Log! nicely 96% Dark, with Cosmological Constant Shall we detect WIMPS eventually? Should we repeat the Einstein greatest blunder?

The CMB Future: Challenging The Concordance Imaging on all relevant CMB scales (Planck) TE modes cosmological polarisation, large scales (Planck) B modes cosmological polarisation, if r>30% (Planck) E modes cosmological polarisation, large scales (Planck) More...a CMB polarisation satellite? Dark Matter & Energy Properties (Planck, SNAP,ALMA) Needed: E modes cosmological polarisation, small scales (Planck, Quest,...) TE modes cosmological polarisation, small scales (Planck, Quest,...)