8/September/2008Calo Running and Operation Meeting 1 SPD running and operation: progress report and plans Calo running and operation meeting – CERN 8 th September 2008
8/September/2008Calo Running and Operation Meeting 2 (1) Data cables SPD data cables unplugged during a repair on trigger cables for PS/SPD half-boards. –Crates involved: PRS0, PRS3, PRS4, and PRS7 –Problems found: PRS0 slot 4: not connected behavior PRS7 slots 4 and 5: not connected behavior Action: access to check problems –PRS3 and PRS4 only a few long ties added. –PRS0: unplug/replug cables for slots 4 to 7. –PRS7: unplug/replug cables for slots 4 to 7. 1 cable is too damaged and needed to replug with transfer connector 1 transfer connector damaged and with a bent pin: changed for a new one 2 bent pins on the backplane slot 5 (GND amd not in contact with any other) –Probable cause of problems: vertical shift of the connector (~1 row of pins) Last checks passed for all data cables on PRS0 and PRS7
8/September/2008Calo Running and Operation Meeting 3 (1) Data cables Data cables connection to backplanes are delicate. Any work on them may cause: –Wrongly connected cables in the vertical direction. –Backplane bent or broken pins. –Transfer connector damaged (pins, grounding,...) –Cable soldering and pairs broken. So, after a work, commissioning of the cables is mandatory We would be grateful if any future work on those cables were done with an SPD expert
8/September/2008Calo Running and Operation Meeting 4 (2) SPD multiplicity trigger problems Some parts of SPD were not included in the multiplicity trigger path. –C-side middle and inner (PRS2 and 3) –A-side middle (PRS5 CB5) Plot on the left shows accumulated signal when there is signal on 1 single cell per event which were not recorded by the trigger. Test results (Carlos, Alvaro, and Patrick ): –C-side was a mapping problem on the Selection board solved using a new FW –A-side problem: last 2 LSB multiplicity bits are always 0 on the output of the CB’s optical Mezzanine ⇒ access to be prepared and scheduled C-side middle (PRS2) C-side inner (PRS3) A-side middle (PRS5 CB5)
8/September/2008Calo Running and Operation Meeting 5 (3) Running and operation TED events: –HV: HV on PS was 550V on 1st Friday events and 500V afterwards HV on SPD was 450V –On Friday, after ~5h, 291 events with more than 500 SPD hits –On Saturday, there were less events on a shorter run. HV operation question: –When there is a cosmics run, should be the PS/SPD expert called for switch ON/OFF HV? Or HV should be ON by default?