Visit each website listed under your animal type to research what your group’s animals needs are. For Reptiles: : information.php information.php For Amphibians: For Mammals:
For Birds: For Arctic: For Rainforest Animals: ml ml For Desert Animals :
Beginning 1Developing 2Ver y Good 3Exemplary 4Score Working With Others Student did not work well with others Student cooperated but not on task Student was engaged, but had trouble listening and working cooperatively with others. Student was an engaged partner, listening to suggestions and working cooperatively with others 50% Coloring of Picture Student did not try to color animal neatly Student had trouble trying to color animal Student colored but could have done better Student colored with detail and very neat 25% SentencesStudent did not write sentences neatly or correctly Student wrote sentences neatly but not correctly Student wrote sentences correctly but not neatly Student wrote sentences neatly and correctly 25% TOTAL SCORE 100%
Congratulations!! The Zookeeper is very thankful for all of your assistance. He will now be able to decide which animals to include in his exhibit and the needs of these animals. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes anywhere but especially at a zoo. They are dealing with live animals. In choosing animals for the zoo, you have learned how each animal needs o be taken care of what kind of things they need to survive. If you were going to do this assignment again what would you do different? Would you use different animals?