Good morning !. We can hope to get up every day, can smell the flowers, hear birds, living in the first rays of the sun slowly began a new day. But you.


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Presentation transcript:

good morning !

We can hope to get up every day, can smell the flowers, hear birds, living in the first rays of the sun slowly began a new day. But you have not thought about some parts of the earth, they are slowly disappearing and some people could not sleep because of worries.

Global warming is no longer a novelty.Global warming is about to disappear eight major attractions.

About to sink into the earth‘s first underwater state —— Tuvalu 图瓦卢

New Orleans, USA 美国新奥尔良

Glaciers in the Swiss Alps 瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉冰川

Poles 南北极

Maldives 马尔代夫

Australia's Great Barrier Reef 澳大利亚大堡礁

Venice 威尼斯

Brazil Amazon rainforest 巴西亚马逊热带雨林

What should we do to protect our homeland ? Please care for our environment, from our side to start, No waste, no pollution, no damage, the only way we can live better!

Thank you for listening!