Viera High School: Data Review Fall 2013 Our Current Reality
Problem Solving Process Evaluate Did It WORK? Problem Analysis What are the barriers? Define the Problem What Do We Want Students to KNOW and Be Able to DO? Design and Implement Plan What Are We Going To Do About It?
5 Ambitious, Yet Achievable Goals Reading Targets Reading 2011 % Proficient 2011 % Not Proficient 10% of Non Proficient Ambitious Yet Achievable Goals Example33%100% – 33% = 67%67% x 10% = 6.7% (7%) 33% + 7% = 40% Total 61% 100%-61%=39% 39% 39% x 10%= 3.9% (4%) 65% White 66% 100%-66%=34% 34% 34% x 10%= 3.4% (3%) 69% Black 39% 100%-39%=61% 61% 61% x 10%= 6.1% (6%) 45% Economically Disadvantaged 54% 100%-54%=46% 46% 46% x 10%= 4.6% (5%) 59% Students with Disabilities 38% 100%-38%=62% 62% 62% x 10%= 6.2% (6%) 44%
6 Ambitious, Yet Achievable Goals Math Targets Math 2011 % Proficient 2011 % Not Proficient 10% of Non Proficient Ambitious Yet Achievable Goals Example33%100% – 33% = 67%67% x 10% = 6.7% (7%) 33% + 7% = 40% Total 68% 100%-68%=32% 32% 32% x 10%= 3.2% (3%) 71% White 75% 100%-75%=25% 25% 25% x 10%= 2.5% (3%) 78% Black 45% 100%-45%=55% 55% 55% x 10%= 5.5% (6%) 61% Economically Disadvantaged 62% 100%-62%=38% 38% 38% x 10%= 3.8% (4%) 66% Students with Disabilities 35% 100%-35%=65% 65% 65% x 10%= 6.5% (7%) 42%
% of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above345 Statewide29%19%11% District31%23%15% Viera High School38%17%8% 2012 FCAT 2.0 Reading 7 th Grade % of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above345 Statewide27%18%10% District29%24%13% Viera High School26%19%8% 2012 FCAT 2.0 Math 7 th Grade
% of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above345 Statewide26%18%12% District28%20%15% Viera High School31%16%12% 2012 FCAT 2.0 Reading 8 th Grade % of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above345 Statewide30%16%11% District35%18%12% Viera High School31%16%8% 2012 FCAT 2.0 Math 8 th Grade
% of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above Statewide78% District78% Viera High School77% % of Students Scoring Level 3 or Above Statewide46% District59% Viera High School47% 2012 FCAT Writing Report 2012 FCAT 2.0 Science Report
School Grade and Points Earned % of students meeting standards in reading % of students meeting standards in math % of students meeting standards in writing % of students meeting standards in science % of students with learning gains in reading % of students with learning gains in math % of students in lowest quartile with learning gains in reading % of students in lowest quartile with learning gains in math (preliminary) C %55%78%47%63%53%68%49% B %75%85%49%51%66%59%67% A %73%87%50%56%72%60%74% A %69%86%55%69% 75%76%
Early Warning Data FAIR – grades 7 & 8: Data summary for AP1 Reading comprehension less than 40 th percentile Attendance/Tardies – 10% or more absences/tardies from the classroom Retention – one or more retentions
Grades 7 & 8 FAIR Reading Comprehension less than 40 th Percentile AP 1AP 2 7 th 138 (55%) Window opens Nov th 102 (48%) Window opens Nov. 13 Early Warning Data: FAIR
Early Warning Data Attendance/Tardies Students with excessive absenteeism (more than 8 days absent)10 (2%) Students with excessive tardies (more than 8 days tardy to school)10 (2%) Retention Students with 1 retention 46 (9.8%) Students with > 1 retention6 (1.2%) Students at risk of not progressing to 8 th grade26 (9.7%) Students at risk of not progressing to 9 th grade44 (20.5%)
Student Engagement: Positive Behavior Supports Survey ItemResponse How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree The discipline at my school is fair. ___% I know the rules at my school. ___% My teachers notice when I am following the rules at school. ___% Rules are reviewed or retaught when they are broken. ___%
Student Engagement: Positive Behavior Supports Survey ItemResponse How did you learn the rules at school? My teachers taught me. ___% My classmates taught me. ___% My family taught me. ___% I just knew them from last year. ___% How often is the following statement true for you? AlwaysOften Some- times Not Much Never My teachers praise me when I work hard. ___%
Student Engagement: Adult-Student Relationships Survey ItemStudent Response How often is the following statement true for you? AlwaysOften Some- times Not Much Never Since the beginning of the school year, how often have you had trouble getting along with your teachers? ___% How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree I feel like I belong in my school. ___% The teachers at my school treat students fairly. ___% I feel safe in my school. ___%
Student Engagement: Adult-Student Relationships Survey ItemResponse How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree Most of my teachers care about how I am doing. ___% There is an adult at school that I can talk to about my problems. ___% Most of my teachers understand me. ___% My principal cares about me. ___% My teacher believes that I can do well in school. ___%
Student Engagement: Peer Relationships and Support for Learning Survey ItemResponse How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagre e Since school started this year, how often have you had trouble getting along with other kids? ___% Since school started this year, how many times did you see a physical fight or were in a physical fight at school? 0 ___% 1 ___% 2-3 ___% 4-5 ___% 6-7 ___% 8-9 ___% ___% 12+ ___% Since school started this year, how many times did you see a physical fight or were in a physical fight while going to or from school? 0 ___% 1 ___% 2-3 ___% 4-5 ___% 6-7 ___% 8-9 ___% ___% 12+ ___%
Student Engagement: Peer Relationships and Support for Learning Survey ItemStudent Response How many friends do you have at this school? 0 ___% 1-5 ___% 6-10 ___% 10+ ___% How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree I feel close to other kids at my school. ___% The kids at this school don’t like kids who are different. ___% I feel comfortable asking questions, trying new things and making mistakes in class. ___% When I have a hard time with my schoolwork, other kids will help me. ___%
Student Engagement: Perceptions of Competence, Control, and Relevancy Survey ItemStudent Response How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree It is important to go to school every day. ___% I have a say over what happens to me at school. ___% I think I am being well prepared for middle school. ___% I will fail no matter how hard I try. ___% If I don’t know how to do something in class, there are lots of ways to get help or to figure it out. ___%
Student Engagement: Perceptions of Competence, Control, and Relevancy Survey ItemStudent Response How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree What I am learning in school will help me be what I want to be when I grow up. ___% I like to read outside of school. ___% My teachers give me choices in learning activities. ___% If I do my best, I will do well. ___%
Student Engagement: Future Aspirations and Goals Survey ItemStudent Response How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree A good education is important to my future. ___% Getting good grades is important to my future. ___% I will have a good job after finishing school. ___%
Student Engagement: Future Aspirations and Goals Survey ItemStudent Response How much do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree I will graduate from high school. ___% I want to go to college. ___% I am not interested in school. ___% School is a waste of my time. ___% I try to stay home from school. ___%
Student Engagement: Family Support for Learning Survey ItemStudent Response During the last couple of weeks, how often did someone in your family… All of the Time Most of the Time Once or Twice Never Check your homework after it was completed? ___% Help you do your homework? ___% Help you prepare for tests? ___% Talk with you about your experiences in class or about classwork? ___% Talk with you about your experiences in other school activities (sports, lunch time)? ___% How much do you agree with the following statement? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree My parents want me to do well in school. ___%
Standards-Based Instruction Engaging Instruction Survey ItemStudent Response How many times have you come before school or stayed after school to participate in an activity this year (for example, school dance, club)? __% How many activities outside of school have you been involved in this year (for example, Boy/Girl Scouts, church events, sports, music lessons)? __% How often are the following statements true for you? AlwaysOften Some- times Not MuchNever I am interested in the work I get to do in school. ___% My classroom is an exciting place to be. ___%
Standards-Based Instruction: Gradual Release of Responsibility Survey ItemStudent Response How often are the following statements true for you? AlwaysOften Some- times Not Much Never I have trouble completing my classwork. ___% When I have trouble completing my classwork, it is because: I don’t understand how to do it. I need my teacher to give me examples. I need my teacher to watch me do it and correct my mistakes. I need my classmates to show my how to do it. This doesn’t apply to me. I always complete my classwork without trouble.
Standards-Based Instruction: Gradual Release of Responsibility Survey ItemStudent Response How often are the following statements true for you? AlwaysOften Some- times Not Much Never I have trouble completing my homework. ___% When I have trouble completing my homework, it is because: I don’t understand how to do it. I don’t have help to do it. I didn’t write down the assignment correctly. I didn’t bring home the right materials.
Standards-Based Instruction: Gradual Release of Responsibility Survey ItemStudent Response When I have trouble completing my homework, it is because: I don’t have a place at home to do my homework. No one is checking to see if I did my homework. This doesn’t apply to me. I always complete my homework without trouble.
Teacher Survey: Behavior Survey ItemNot at AllSomewhatVery How effectively can teachers at your school get through to the most difficult students? How effectively can teachers at your school control disruptive behavior in the classroom? How effectively can teachers at your school motivate students who show low interest in school work? How effectively can teachers at your school make expectations clear about student behavior? How effectively can teachers at your school establish routines to keep activities running smoothly?
Teacher Survey: Behavior Survey ItemNot at AllSomewhatVery How effectively can teachers at your school get children to follow classroom rules? How effectively teachers at your school do to calm a student who is disruptive or noisy? How effectively can teachers at your school establish a classroom management system that is effective with all groups of students? How effectively can teachers at your school keep a few problem students form ruining an entire lesson? How effectively can teachers at your school respond to defiant students?
Teacher Survey: Academics Survey ItemNot at AllSomewhatVery How effectively can teachers at your school teach their students to think critically? How effectively can teachers at your school get students to believe they can do well in school? How effectively can teachers at your school respond to difficult questions from their students? How effectively can teachers at your school help students value learning? How effectively can teachers at your school gauge student comprehension of what they have taught? How effectively can teachers at your school craft good questions for their students? How effectively can teachers at your school foster student creativity? How effectively can teachers at your school improve the understanding of a student who is failing?
Teacher Survey: Academics Survey ItemNot at AllSomewhatVery How effectively can teachers at your school adjust their lessons to the proper level for individual students? How effectively can teachers at your school use a variety of assessment strategies? How effectively can teachers at your school provide an alternative explanation or example when students are confused? How effectively can teachers at your school assist families in helping their children do well in school? How effectively can teachers at your school implement differentiated strategies, assignments, and assessments in your classroom? How effectively can teachers at your school provide appropriate challenges for very capable students?
Problem Solving Process Evaluate Did It WORK? Problem Analysis What are the barriers? Define the Problem What Do We Want Students to KNOW and Be Able to DO? Design and Implement Plan What Are We Going To Do About It?
Focus Area Components Standards-Based Instruction –Setting and communicating a purpose for learning and learning goals –Gradual release of responsibility Differentiation and Intervention –Formative assessment and Intervention response –Master schedule development –Instruction-intervention alignment Student Engagement –Adult-student student relationships –Positive Behavior Supports –Instructional relevancy –Perceptions of competence and control Capacity for Continuous Improvement –SBLT functioning –Teaming structure and effectiveness –Data-based problem solving
Setting and Communicating a Purpose for Learning Facilitators Barriers
Differentiation and Intervention FacilitatorsBarriers
Capacity for Continuous Improvement FacilitatorsBarriers
Student Engagement FacilitatorsBarriers
Additional Areas of Concern
Problem Analysis: Hypothesized Focus Areas Hypothesized Focus AreaValidatedNot Supported Standards-Based Instruction Differentiation and Intervention Student Engagement Capacity for Continuous Improvement Other: