Config Report 03/09/2015 Andrea Giardini
Service Incidents 31 Aug to down ( OTG )
Puppet Masters migration to CC7 Migration has been delayed by two weeks Interactive cluster will be migrated the 14th Sept ( OTG ) Since last week we got more compilation on our "panic" master. We made a list of hostgroups that have *not* been tested with the new master between 8/27/15 3:30PM (AI meeting) and 9/2/15 12:00 PM
afssrv aici aidoctor aiermis aimco aimon air aistools alibuild appserver backup bamboo_ci ben bigpanda blogforever boinc castortapelog cds cernopendata ci cloud_adm cloud_blockstorage cloud_dashboard cloud_identity cloud_image cloud_loadbalancers cloud_monitoring cloud_orchestration cloud_projectmanagement cloud_telemetry cloud_workflow compass coral coverity csc cvmfs dashboard datapreservation dblc dcim dmc dss_ci eos eosforaswiftyepu blishing forge fts geant4 git gridlfc hadoop hepdata hwdb hwinventory indic8r indico indicomobile
inspire invenioprojects ismon ithpc its jabber lcgapp licmon loadbalancinglsfauth lxdistcc mdm metering mimir ngauth oaisstore openlab_intel ourproxy phmic procurement quotamanager retirement s3csbenchmarks sam scoap3 scoap3_next servicenow sip_logging sis_library snowmidspectrum streaming svn swift tapedust tapeserver teigi testing twiki videoconference voatlasanalytics voatlasbuild voatlasddm voatlasgcc voatlasmisc voatlasrucio voatlastzcontrol voatlastzcontzole voatlastzoradmin vocmsdb vocmsfrontier vocmssdt vofcc voilcdirac volhcb vopanda vowisc wcr web_infrastructure windows_infrastructure wlcgganglia wlcghammercloud zenodo t
Apache Module Migration completed You can now migrate to the new module at your own space Consider that the old module is *not* compatible with CC7
Modules/Hostgroups Modules Removed: Apollo Hostgroups Created: Foswiki
In QA CRM-1299 Deploy new version of lemon-sensor-tw CRM-1310 flume to listen to security data CRM-1329 puppetlabs-firewall > CRM-1337 new version of lemon-sensor-linux CRM-1340 minor change in CRM-1341 new version of lemon-sensor-es cc7 CRM-1343 ai-tools CRM-1345 Add default /root/.k5login at first puppet run CRM-1349 Change default collective in mco clients CRM-1350 Use MCollective physical brokers everywhere CRM-1351 TSM: fix usage of multiple server lists CRM-1352 Lemonfwd: Add cvmfs2 and lbd to syslog whitelist
In PROD CRM-1323 hardware module change: remove microsoft-hyper-v rpm from hyperv manifest CRM-1328 s/operatingsystemmajorrelease/operatingsystemmajrelease/ CRM-1330 puppetlabs-stdlib > CRM-1333 new version of itmon-flume-extra CRM-1339 CLONE - puppetlabs-apache > CRM-1342 Add cloud.csh script in openstack_clients CRM-1346 TSM: change double quotes to single quotes CRM-1348 Use yum snapshots for CASTOR clients instead of the stable koji tag