Molecular Adsorption on Silver Nanopatterns of Polarity Patterned Ferroelectric Substrates North Carolina State University, DMR Polarity Patterned lithium niobate crystals are used as a substrate to create silver nanostructures by photoreduction of AgNO 3 (seen in the AFM image below). Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering is able to detect a monolayer of adsorbed pyridine. When the laser spot is displaced in the red direction, the Raman signal intensity does not change significantly, as opposed to movement in the blue direction where the intensity follows the nanopatterned surface.
Topics of nanoscale science and technology were presented in an informal setting at the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science. The presentations introduced topics ranging from nanostructures that could enable nanoelectronics to imaging single protein molecules on Si surfaces. Four graduate students described their research interests and their perspectives on nanoscale science. Nanotechnology: From Computers to Life Science Dr. Robert Nemanich North Carolina State University Saturday, November 12, 11:00am and 11:30am Strange Matter Exhibit Hall Join Robert J. Nemanich, Professor of Physics at North Carolina State University, and NCSU graduate students as they discuss nanometer scale science and technology. Some of the most advanced microscopy techniques will be presented which show - movies of nanoscale islands that grow, shrink, and combine, images of nanowire patterns that can be simply prepared, images that describe the differences of people with red and black hair, an image of a single protein which is important for blood clotting. Nanotechnology: From Computers to Life Science NC Museum of Life and Science and North Carolina State University, DMR
Students at NanoDays at NCSU learn about nanotechnology and nanoscale science including the impact of the researcch in the Polarity NIRT project. Shown in the photos are students learning about the lotus effect, the super hydrophobicity dictated by the molecular composition of a lotus leaf, and its application in development of stain resistant fabric films. NanoDays 2006 at NCSU Nanotechnology: From Computers to Life Science North Carolina State University, DMR