DESCRIPTION This program has been specially designed for students who have little or no experience with French language. This program has been specially designed for students who have little or no experience with French language. The entry point to the Early French Immersion Program is at the Primary level and the program extends to Grade 12.
CANADIAN MADE! Begun about 35 years ago in St. Lambert, Montréal, Québec. Research shows that the Immersion experience is the most effective way for a child to become functionally bilingual and this will in no way deter the intellectual and the social development, the academic achievement and the development of English communication skills.
CURRICULUM CURRICULUM The French Immersion Program follows the same learning outcomes as defined for English Programs as stated in the Nova Scotia provincial guides. The French Immersion Program follows the same learning outcomes as defined for English Programs as stated in the Nova Scotia provincial guides.
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION St udents acquire their new language naturally in a French environment which is surrounded by French posters, signs, books and resources and through the integration of subjects taught in French. St udents acquire their new language naturally in a French environment which is surrounded by French posters, signs, books and resources and through the integration of subjects taught in French.
NOVA SCOTIA The first Early Immersion classes started in The first Early Immersion classes started in The Late Immersion Program (starting in Grade 7) began in The Late Immersion Program (starting in Grade 7) began in 1985.
EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION This program begins at the Primary level and extends to Grade 12. Students receive a French Immersion Certificate upon completion. This program begins at the Primary level and extends to Grade 12. Students receive a French Immersion Certificate upon completion.
FRENCH IMMERSION CERTIFICATE Upon completion, students should be able to: function well in a French-speaking community function well in a French-speaking community accept a job where French is the working language accept a job where French is the working language pursue university or college education in French pursue university or college education in French
EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION IN HALIFAX REGIONAL SCHOOL BOARD As of September 2004, HRSB has 31 schools (elementary, junior high and high schools) offering the Early Immersion program. As of September 2004, HRSB has 31 schools (elementary, junior high and high schools) offering the Early Immersion program.
EARLY IMMERSION SCHOOLS IN H.R.S.B. IN SEPTEMBER 2004 Ash Lee Jefferson Astral Drive / Caldwell Road Beechville /Lakeside/ Timberlea Bell Park Burton Ettinger Chebucto Heights Gertrude Parker /Smokey Drive Grosvenor Wentworth Hammonds Plains John W.Macleod-Fleming Tower LeMarchant- St Thomas Madeline Symonds Rockingham Seaside Shannon Park St.Catherine’s St. Joseph’s A. McKay Sunnyside/ Basinview Drive Tallahassee/Oceanview Tantallon Elementary Gorsebrook Junior.High Fairview Junior High Elizabeth Sutherland Oxford Street Prince Arthur Junior High St Patrick’s Halifax West J.L. Ilsley Dartmouth High P-2P-5P-2P-2P-6P-6P-3P-6P-5P-6P-56P-65-6P-6P-6P-6P-3P-4P
PERCENTAGE OF INSTRUCTION IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE IN THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM Primary- Grade 2 90%-100%(varies due to Music and Physical Education) Primary- Grade 2 90%-100%(varies due to Music and Physical Education) Grades %- 85% (formal instruction in English is introduced) Grades %- 85% (formal instruction in English is introduced) Grades %- 75% Grades %- 75% Grades minimum of nine credits taught in French (50%) Grades minimum of nine credits taught in French (50%)
SPECIAL NEEDS SERVICES All students should have equal access to special services where available. For schools offering French Immersion programs, it is preferable to provide special needs services in French. All students should have equal access to special services where available. For schools offering French Immersion programs, it is preferable to provide special needs services in French. However, in instances where the French service is not possible, a close working relationship among However, in instances where the French service is not possible, a close working relationship among the Immersion teacher, the English the Immersion teacher, the English Resource teacher and the parent(s) Resource teacher and the parent(s) guardian(s) is critical. guardian(s) is critical.
WHEN CONSIDERING THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM… How developed is your child’s first language? Does your child appear to be developing in terms of social and emotional growth? Does your child have positive self- esteem? Does your child have any major perceptual or auditory problems? Can your child adjust easily to unfamiliar situations?
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… communicate effectively in French using the listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing modes communicate effectively in French using the listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing modes
LISTENING uses teaching strategies that foster a uses teaching strategies that foster a positive classroom environment. positive classroom environment. helps the students achieve success in helps the students achieve success in French while learning the Primary level French while learning the Primary level subjects. subjects.
Jeunes lecteurs actifs P-6 (Active Young Readers) Jeunes lecteurs actifs P-6 (Active Young Readers)READING
Écrivains à l’œuvre 4-6 (Writers in Action) WRITING This initiative is helping students across the province to develop strong writing skills. There are reference books which will help your child learn grammar, spelling and punctuation.
English Instruction English Instruction begins in Grade 3 and students readily transfer. acquired reading strategies and skills
SOCIAL STUDIES This Department of Education initiative for French Immersion students is designed to promote early literacy success for all young readers and to enhance reading skills for learning across the curriculum. This Department of Education initiative for French Immersion students is designed to promote early literacy success for all young readers and to enhance reading skills for learning across the curriculum.
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… work and study purposefully, both independently and in groups. work and study purposefully, both independently and in groups.
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… solve problems individually and collaboratively. solve problems individually and collaboratively.
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… encourage personal development of skills, attitudes and values. encourage personal development of skills, attitudes and values.
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… express their ideas and feelings in various art forms. express their ideas and feelings in various art forms.
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… locate, evaluate, adapt, create and share information using a wide variety of sources and technologies. locate, evaluate, adapt, create and share information using a wide variety of sources and technologies.
THE FRENCH IMMERSION TEACHER has an excellent command of written and spoken French. has an excellent command of written and spoken French. teaches the subjects according to the Provincial guidelines. teaches the subjects according to the Provincial guidelines.
Collegiality with English Programs
PREPARATION AND SUPPORT FOR PARENTS French section of community libraries French section of community libraries HRSB website and French links HRSB website and French links French language television French language television Encourage extracurricular and community activities which promote French language and culture Encourage extracurricular and community activities which promote French language and culture Read to your child in English to foster a love of language Read to your child in English to foster a love of language
THE EARLY FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE ALL STUDENTS TO… demonstrate a better understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritage with a particular emphasis on French speaking communities. demonstrate a better understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritage with a particular emphasis on French speaking communities.