Module I: Overview PowerPoint Slides
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1-1 Inside the name tent, list the following information: Your present position. Number of years you have taught reading. One or two professional growth goals you hope to achieve as a result of taking this course. A major stumbling block in reading comprehension at your school. List the following four pieces of information, one in each corner of the name tent card: Your favorite type of food. Your favorite hobby. Your favorite book. Your favorite place. Building a Learning Community – Clock Partners
1-2 Why do we need to teach comprehension? Falling Through the Cracks by Carolyn Sollman
1-4 PLS Response Folder 1.How long have you taught? 2.What current and past grade levels have you taught? 3.What is your background and current level of work in reading?
1-5 Levels of Research Level I Develop a theory. Use in a single setting.
1-6 Levels of Research Level II Develop a theory. Use in limited settings. Expose to limited demographics. Analyze the data.
1-7 Levels of Research Level III Develop a theory. Use in large-scale settings. Expose to diverse demographics. Analyze the data. Replicate in large-scale studies. Implement in schools or districts. Adapted from Making Research Serve the Profession by Bonnie Grossen, Research Associate at University of Oregon’s National Center. Washington, DC: American Federation of Teachers, (1996).
1-8 Seven Scientifically Based Comprehension Strategies Comprehension monitoring Cooperative learning Graphic and semantic organizers Question answering Question generation Story structure Summarization
1-9 Six Components of Reading Oral Language Phonological Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
1-10 Reflection Journal 1 Describe yourself as a reader. How would you rate your reading ability? How important is reading in your life? Do you read fluently? Do you comprehend easily? Do you enjoy reading? Do you read for a variety of purposes? Do you connect what you read to life experiences? Do you monitor your reading comprehension as you read?
1-11 Reflection Journal 2 Has reading frustrated you at any time? If so, when? How did you react to the frustration? Describe the circumstances. OR Have you ever known someone who has been frustrated by the reading process? If so, when? How did that person react to the frustration? Describe the circumstances.
1-12 All Action Research Assignments 1. Setting the Stage for Effective Literacy 2. Text Complexity 3. Building Schema 4. Narrative Text In Action 5. Expository Text Structure 6. Direct Vocabulary Instruction 7. Graphic Organizers 8. Fluency 9. Close Reading – Comprehension Instructional Sequence Lesson 10. Putting it all Together
Literacy Success for All Students: Bridging Theory to Classroom Practice Module I: Overview PowerPoint Presentation Contact information: Diana Brown Title Slide PowerPoint Presentation By: Lawanna Martinec © 2013 PLS 3rd Learning.