Mrs. Whalen’s Kindergarten Math Lesson #27: How Many?
Daily Practice!
In our last lesson we learned about the numbers Let’s watch the next video and review those numbers.
Let’s watch! =fYGvQfbSm3E
We can count up to 40 starting with the number 1. Let’s try.
Let’s watch! v=6oHwJEQaMM8
Sometimes we can count to 40 by counting by 10’s.
Let’s watch! v=kOG7CuekWTA
Good Job!!
Today we are going to ask the question “How Many?”
Let’s watch! v=G3zaC5onBvM
How do I count out coins? Watch me on the document camera show you how to organize the coins to help me count.
How Many?
Now you make 9 of something on your paper. We just used mittens. What can you make 9 of on your paper.
One fun way of counting is gather materials to count. You could gather rocks, beans, noodles or coins.
Work with a partner. Ask your partner to count out a certain amount of objects and then check to see if they were correct. Watch me on the document camera with my coins.
This is a fun website to practice counting objects. ten/count-dots-0-to-20
Good job today! In our next lesson we will learn about heavy and light objects.
Goodbye! See you next time!