Second Life For Educators Presented at TLA by Valerie Hill – Lewisville ISD (SL- Valibrarian Gregg) Handouts by Beth Knittle (SL – Beth Kohnke)
How it looks... Valerie Hill Valibrarian Gregg in Second Life Lewisville I.S.D.
Introduction Second Life “It is a communication tool, a social networking site, a presentation medium, a place for collaboration.” Users create an avatar; interact online in real time Users have opportunities to participate in educational activities as well as social activities
SL Culture and Etiquette Communication Users can chat,IM, or speak Nothing is ever really private Places & People Avatars “should” act as we would in real life; face-to-face, keep distance, etc. Making Friends Users can ask others to be their friend; you may decline Friends can see each other when online
The Basics Getting Around Walk, fly, teleport (TP), friend can teleport you Changing Appearance Orientation and Help Islands can teach you how to change Can find different hair, clothes, expressions, etc Joining Groups Can join up to 25 groups; some have open enrollment, others are invitation only Educators – JOIN ISTE and DEN Money Participation is free; some things do cost
Places (Landmarks) to Visit Info Island Alliance Virtual Library Collections Digital online books and literature available Info Island Library Collection on math, science, history and more Info Island Reference Desk Support center for SL ISTE Island Supports integrating technology in K-12
Places (Landmarks) to Visit Antiquity Texas Visit San Jacinto Plaza, Governor’s Mansion, Capitol Bldg, or The Alamo Capitol Bldg, or The Alamo Land of Lincoln The White House as it would have been circa 1860 The Jewish Holocaust Museum Multimedia display of the Holocaust International Spaceflight Museum Rockets and spacecraft from the past, present & future. Ride a rocket and explore the planets. The Learning Experience Sims for writers, literature, science, history, art and SL tutorials
Places (Landmarks) to Visit War History & Memorial Interactive world history sim Abyss Museum of Ocean Science Immersive and interactive exhibit of oceans Sea World Interactive animal and marine biology museum Museum of the African American Experience Walk through AA history; a place for conversation and debate New York Visit Times Square, Central Park, or Statue of Liberty
Educational Groups in Second Life ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) offers resources to help new users, Thursday Social, Tuesday show-and-tell Jokaydia “community of educators and artists exploring the uses of Second Life in Education”; Educator Square, access to presentations DEN (Discovery Educator Network) Users can connect to one another for resources
Getting Started Create account and download software Create an avatar (name and appearance) Practice (it takes time to learn to walk, talk, get dressed, etc) ASK for help; reference desk, Orientation Island, Help Island Join a group; search for interesting islands
Stuff Mary Said We Had to Say 3 Main Ideas Offers a plethora of opportunities in and outside of education Not ready for school implementation yet (no filters) Offers live “realistic” interaction while removing barriers of cost, time, and distance 2 Things New to Us Hard to pick just 2 since EVERYTHING was new to us Hard to pick just 2 since EVERYTHING was new to us 1 (or more) Way(s) to Apply SL to Library Virtual Field Trips Virtual Meeting and Conferences Literary Events Networking
What Kind of Avatar Will You Be? And Where Will You Go?