Assessment For Today’s Classrooms™ Module 4 Making the Connection to Reading Instruction
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Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides
The plan may describe specific deficiencies in oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. The district may use whatever valid and reliable means it deems appropriate for this diagnosis, but the intent is that it not be superficial. DOE has developed a list of reading diagnostic instruments that can be used K-12 for this purpose.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides desired performance in these areas (at grade level with interim milestones if desired) instructional/support services provided (exactly what is going to be done for the student to remedy diagnosed reading deficiencies)
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Schools need to monitor the student’s progress. Progress monitoring should be regular and frequent, and the results used to redesign remediation if needed. Districts provide support and assistance to schools and teachers in implementing research-based activities for low-performing students in a variety of ways.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Parents should be notified in writing If student has a substantial reading deficiency Description of current and proposed supplemental remedial services If the deficiency is not remediated within the timeframe dictated by state law, schools must adhere to the state and district guidelines for student progression.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Diagnostic Assessment Ages 6-24 TOWRE Test of Word Reading Efficiency Assessment Strands Phonics Vocabulary
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Diagnostic Assessment of Reading (DAR) Diagnostic Assessment Ages 5-Adult Assessment Strands Oral Language Phonological Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment (ERDA) Diagnostic Diagnostic Grades K-3 Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment (ERDA) Diagnostic Diagnostic Grades K-3 Assessment Strands Oral Language Phonological Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Assessment Strands Oral Language Phonological Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Oral LanguagePhonological Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension ERDA (K-3) X X X X X TOWRE (ages 6-24) XX DAR (ages 5-adult) XX X X X X Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides
Name of Assessment Oral Language Phonologic al Awareness PhonicsFluencyVocabular y Comprehensio n What data will this give me? What can I do with it? Will it provide enough information? What other data will I need?
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides 1.Choose a slip of paper. 2. Read the definition on the paper. 3. Walk to the chart that matches the definition. 4.When others arrive at that chart, check to see if the definitions match.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Instructions for Gallery Walk 1.Using the “Put Reading First” document, brainstorm strategies to teach or remediate students in that area of reading. 2. When the signal is given, rotate to the next chart. 3.Continue rotating to each chart, adding to the list of strategies until you arrive back at your original chart. 4.When you arrive back at the original chart, review the list and discuss these questions: o Which strategies could be used whole group? o Which strategies could be used with a small group? o Which strategies could be used with a student individually? o What would the other students be doing if you used the strategy with a small group or individual student?
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides We are different from where we came, But around the world we are all the same, It doesn’t matter from where we come, And we may all march to a different drum. We are different from where we came, But around the world we are all the same, Talents and skills we all possess, We like to help others achieve success. We are different from where we came, But around the world we are all the same, We may differ by the color of our skin, We care about others from within. We are different from where we came, But around the world we are all the same, So never make me feel ashamed, Because we are so different, but the same! By Diana Brown and Kathy Giroux
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides
1.Accommodations 2. Modifications 3. Alternate Assessment 4. Alternate Curriculum 1. Disability 2. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 3. Least Restrictive Environment 4. Transition IEP
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Accommodations are changes to the WAY students access instruction and demonstrate performance. Modifications change WHAT students are expected to learn.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Types of Modifications Partial Completion of Program or Course Requirements Curriculum expectations below age or grade level Alternate curriculum
As sessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Who needs modifications? Students with disabilities may need modifications to the expectations of the New Generation Sunshine State Standards and curriculum if they are working substantially below grade level. The IEP team may also use curriculum modifications to address any other educational needs of students with disabilities.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides 1.As you read the article, think about the answer to this question: a) What do I need to remember when planning instruction for the ELL student? 2. Write each answer on a post-it note (independently). 3.Once everyone in the group is finished with reading and writing the answers, sort the post-it notes. a) Group like ideas together. b) Create a “Title” for each group of post-it notes.
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides
The Family - Teacher Conference Preconference Checklist Family structure Cultural Issues Prepare Students Schedule Appointments Welcome Environment Seating Arrangement Reception Area Conference Outline Documentation
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Warm Up Positive Attributes of the Student Presentation of Student’s Growth (using documentation) Ways Family Member(s) and Teacher Can Work Together Conclude on a Positive Note ( Information taken from The Family-Teacher Conference workshop, Performance Learning Systems®, 1993.)
Assessment for Today’s Classroom, Module 4 Slides Teacher behaviors: o Each of the five phases o Non-verbal body language o Positive phrasing of comments and questions o General tone of conversation Family member behaviors: o Changes in tone (from negative to positive or vise versa) o Satisfaction with personal agenda being met
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms ™ PowerPoint Presentation Module 4 Making the Connection to Reading Instruction PowerPoint Presentation By: Lawanna Martinec Contact information: Diana Brown © 2013 PLS 3rd Learning.