By: Theodore H. Schwartz Feel the Bern By: Theodore H. Schwartz
A Short biography Bernie Sanders is the longest serving independent politician and is currently running for president in 2016. Sanders was born in 1941 and started his career in 1981 as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. He was elected by getting only 12 more votes than his opponent. Sanders was predicted to lose against Hilary Clinton, but is now in a tight race with her. Sanders is an Independent politician
Taxes and looking out for the middle class Americans Sanders wishes to raise the costs of taxes for the upper class and lower them for the lower and middle class. Sanders wants to ‘break up big banks’. He says, “If an institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.”
Protecting America’s environment One of Sanders main concerns is global warming. Sanders addresses the politician Jim Inhofe: "The bottom line is when Senator Inhofe says global warming is a hoax, he is just dead wrong, according to the vast majority of climate scientists."
Sander’s Foreign policy Sanders believes that the Palestinians should have their own state and Israelis should be able to live without worrying about terrorist attacks. He was against attacking Iraq in 2003.
Foreign policy (continued) in 2015, President Barack Obama stated that he would take Cuba off of the list of terrorist countries. Sanders on the issue: “While we have our strong differences with Cuba, it is not a terrorist state. I applaud President Obama for moving aggressively to develop normal diplomatic relations. Fifty years of Cold War is enough. It is time for Cuba and the United States to turn the page and normalize relations”
Making American lives easier, safer, and more affordable Student Loans- Sanders wants to make college more affordable. Gun control- Bernie Sanders wants to ban certain guns and is in favor of instant background checks. Health care- Sanders is a strong believer in Universal Health Care. He also believes in making medical drugs cheaper.
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