Parent Curriculum Night 2012 – 2013
Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers Being a Title I school also means parental involvement and parents’ rights. What does it mean to be a Title I School?
Parent Information See our website for class information. Report cards go home every 6 weeks. Progress reports go home every 3 weeks. Fall parent conferences are being scheduled. Please sign up tonight to get preferred time. (30 minute time slots)
Third Grade Classroom Expectations: 1. Be respectful. -Raise your hand to speak. -Keep rude comments, hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 2. Be responsible. -Follow all directions quickly and quietly the first time they are given. 3. Be ready to learn. -Keep your work area clean with necessary materials ready.
Consequences: 1st warning = verbal warning 2nd warning = Teacher signs behavior calendar in CUB and student walks for the first 5 minutes of recess. 3rd warning = Teacher signs behavior calendar in CUB and student walks for the first 10 minutes of recess. 4th warning = Teacher signs behavior calendar in CUB, student sits out for all recess, and completes a discipline form that goes home to be signed. Parents are called. 5th warning or SEVERE offense = Discipline referral to office.
Rewards & Privileges Earn tickets for following 4-Star Expectations. Tickets are put into a school-wide hopper each week. Several prizes are given during assembly on Friday. Dog Tags are earned for consistent 4-Star behavior as a class and as individuals. Fab Friday is earned for completing work, turning in homework and following classroom expectations.
3 rd Grade Schedule 7:45-9:10Morning block 9:10-10:05Specials 10:05-11:00Morning block continued 11:00-12:00Afternoon block 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:00Lunch 1:00-2:20Afternoon block 2:20-2:40Team Time 2:40-2:45 Dismissal
School Work….. Graded work: Comes home in the Tuesday folder. We use eschoolPLUS Grade book, which you can access online to view your child's grades. Note that scores below 70 are given the opportunity to be corrected after re-teaching. The 2 grades will then be averaged.
Math All problems represent review material. Homework is based on the work done in class. Your child should be able to do his/her homework on his/her own. Make sure your 3 rd grader completes the problems assigned each night. Language Arts Your child needs to read daily for a minimum of 20 minutes. After your child has read, have him/her retell the story or the chapter. The following questions may help you and your child in the retelling of the story. –What happened at the beginning? In the middle? At the end? –Who are the main characters? How did they change during the story? –What events (in sequence) happened in your story? –What is the setting of the story? Where and when did the story take place? –What is the problem in the story? What is the solution? Homework
Math Year At A Glance Problem Solving Graphs and charts Number Patterns : skip counting, fact families…. Place Value Money Multiplication / Division Measurement Geometry Time
Math Home Practice Basic addition and subtraction facts should be mastered by 3 rd grade. Please practice these at home as a review. Multiplication will begin the third six weeks. Videos for the Investigations Math strategies are on the 3 rd grade websites.
Language Arts at a Glance We use reader’s/writer’s workshop model daily. Spelling lists are sent home a six weeks at a time and tests are on Fridays. All spelling tests will be averaged into one grade per six weeks.
Speeding to Read Goal – 25 completed chapter books = 100 points Students may read picture books, magazines, graphic novels in addition to chapter books. They are worth 1 point each. We are including all books read since Friday, August 31, 2012.
Name:____________________________________ Speed to Read Reading Log Chapter Books worth 4 points Picture Books worth 1 point Goal= 100 points Completed Books DateTitleGenrePicture BookChapter BookPages read today Total number of pages Points Earned Bonus Pages from Chapter Books
Science We will cover a variety of units based on matter, light and optics, ecosystems, earth and space, soils, weathering and erosion, and other science inquiry projects. Lessons are based on hands-on and inquiry based learning.
Social Studies Social Studies is integrated into Language Arts. Our objectives focus on communities and citizenship. Famous Americans will be researched.
Communication!!! Call, , or send a note in the CUB if you have questions. Review student work brought home in Tuesday folder. Sign and return empty folder on Wednesday.
Healthy Snacks – We are eating and working at the same time. Please make sure the snack is not messy and it is healthy. If possible, place snack in separate bag in backpack- not in the lunch box. Some students are eating part of lunch as a snack.
Arrival At School: Students are allowed in the building at 7:15 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 7:45. Please make sure your child arrives on time so he/she is ready to learn.
Curious minds want to know… This year our theme is all about curiosity. We are encouraging students to explore their natural curiosity and question the world around them. You will be seeing reflections of this theme throughout the building and in your own child!!