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Euler’s Law Leonard Euler
Euler’s Law NoNo VerticesEdgesFaces NoNo VerticesEdgesFaces Complete the table and find the rule connecting V, E and F V + F - 2 = E
Euler’s Law NoNo VerticesEdgesFaces Complete the table and find the rule connecting V, E and F
Historical Note Leonhard Euler Euler (pronounced oiler) was a Swiss mathematician whose power of mental calculation was prodigious. As a teenager his fame quickly spread throughout Europe and at the age of 20 he was summoned by Catherine 1 st of Russia to study at the Academy of Science at St Petersburg. He became Professor of Physics at 23 and Professor of mathematics at 26. At the Academy he contributed to numerous branches of mathematics and other sciences, including work on optics and the study of planetary motion. He made progress towards solving “Fermat’s Last Theorem” and introduced the notation for Pi ( ) and sigma ( ). At 31 he lost the sight in his right eye and later became almost totally blind. He had 13 children of whom only 5 survived their infancy. His life’s work of 886 books/papers was still being published 50 years after his death. Königsberg