What is an ePortfolio? “Created by the three principal activities of collection, selection, and reflection, student portfolios can be succinctly defined as collections of work selected from a larger archive of work, upon which the student has reflected. Portfolios can be created in many different contexts, serve various purposes, and speak to multiple audiences.” (Yancey, 2001) ePort at IUPUI: “A selection of purposefully organized artifacts that supports retrospective and prospective reflection, as well as documentation, assessment, and enhancement of student learning over time.”
ePort at IUPUI Supports intentional teaching and learning for disciplinary and campus-wide learning outcomes Enables faculty to structure a set of guided learning experiences and assessments within Oncourse CL Can be used effectively or ineffectively
Wjy ePortfolios? Increase student engagement and achievement Help students become more intentional, independent learners Help students integrate learning across courses and disciplines Help students articulate accomplishments for potential employers and graduate schools (reflection) Provide basis for authentic assessment
Who’s using ePort at IUPUI? Biology (Honors Program) Center for Research and Learning Computer and Information Science Computer, Information, and Leadership Technology (OLS Program) Dentistry Engineering & Technology English (capstone) Secondary Education Tourism, Conventions, and Event Management Visual Communication IUPU-Columbus campus
ePort for what? Pre-professional portfolio (Biology Honors) Focus on critical thinking (E & T) Focus on professional ethics (Dentistry) Focus on integrative learning/thinking via reflection (English, Visual Communication) Catalyst for curriculum revision around PULs/discipline-specific learning outcomes Authentic documentation of competencies for assessment and accreditation Assessment of prior learning for credit (OLS)
What can you do with ePort today? Structure and visually represent an intellectual framework for a course or program (faculty) Upload and reflect on work (students) Provide formative feedback and summative evaluation on work and reflections (faculty, evaluators) Work with evaluation data to assess strengths and weaknesses across groups of students (faculty)
What’s coming next? Further development of assessment management functionality Usable resume-building tool Free-form portfolio