Frequency-Wavenumber Domain EECS 800 – Patrick McCormick
2-D Frequency Domain The 2D FFT across the SAR data after downconversion to baseband produces the Frequency-Doppler domain. Doppler (Hz) is transformed to wavenumber (rad/m) through the relationship Because of this proportionality, let’s consider the Frequency (Range) – Doppler (Slow-Time) domain. Spatial Wavenumber Doppler frequency Sensor Velocity
Principle of Stationary Phase (POSP) Approximate spectrum estimation tool that allows for an analytical solution to the spectral content of an LFM. Allows for easy calculation of spectral magnitudes and phases without brute force techniques. The approximation becomes more accurate as the time-bandwidth product (TBP) increases.
Principle of Stationary Phase (POSP) LFM Fourier Transform POSP approximation Stationary Phase Point
Range Frequency – Slow Time Domain Scalar terms Range spectral envelope Azimuth beampattern 2-D phase Range frequency Slow-time Center frequency Fast-time chirp-rate Range frequency Nearest range to target Single Scatterer Sensor velocity Speed of light
Range Frequency – Doppler Domain Fourier Transform Doppler Frequency
Range Frequency – Doppler Domain To invoke POSP, must find slow-time variable η in terms of the Doppler frequency f η Recall: (5.23) Stationary Phase Point
Range Frequency – Doppler Domain
F-k algorithm This analytical solution to the spectral content of an LFM is used in the f-k algorithm bulk compression operation or Reference Function Multiply (RFM). This is essentially a 2-D matched filtering technique that matches to a single reference range R ref and velocity V ref. The filter is a point-to-point complex multiply in the frequency-Doppler domain using the conjugate of the presumed reference phase response.
Example – single scatterer h=1 km offset=2.265 km L=1 km V r =100 m/s PRF=1 kHz f 0 =1 GHz B=50 MHz T=10 μs f s =300 MHz Radar Parameters: Antenna Parameters: Beamwidth = 34 o Pattern: cosine Purpose: To compare POSP approximation against brute force reference function calculation.
Example – Data Time DomainFrequency Domain
Example – Reference Function Multiply
Example – Point Spread Responses Note: This does not include all of the steps of the f-k algorithm. This example only pertains to a point scatterer at the reference range.