1 Bound States in 3 Dimensions
2 From 1-d to 3-d
3 3-d Hamiltonian
4 Bass-Ackwards z y x r
5 For a particle of mass, m,
6 Continuing Only on r Only on and
7 Appropriate Choice of Separation Constant 1-d Sch. Eq. Called centrifugal potential
8 Radial Solution What happens next depends on V(r). We will leave this part of the Sch. Equation alone and concentrate on the angular part.
9 Angular Solution
10 Another fortuitous choice! Let Y( , )=P( ) ( ) Multiply by
11 And Voila! Let the separation constant = -m 2
12 The Azimuthal Dependence is azimuth angle and goes from 0 to 2 . Demand that ( +2 )= ( ) Therefore m is quantized m carries the plus/minus sign so we write a general expression
13 Back to P( )
14 Some cleanin’ up
15 And now When m=0 then called Legendre Equation When m<>0 then called Associated Legendre Equation Solutions called Legendre Functions
16 Finally, Y( )=P( ) ( ) Called Spherical Harmonics Explicit Form Phase factor does not affect normalization Which is chosen to agree with Condon & Shortley, Blatt & Weisskopf, Particle Data Group
17 Properties of Spherical Harmonics
18 Connection Between Spherical Harmonics and Angular Momentum
19 And thus
20 Recall
21 Back Substituting
22 Using these, we can find new relationships for the various components of angular momentum
23 The Importance of these Results Particle in a central force field will execute a motion such that orbital angular momentum about the central force is conserved The QM result is that in a central force field, the eigenvalues of H can ALWAYS be written as Eigenfunctions of the orbital angular momentum. It is often said that the orbital angular momentum is a “good quantum number”
24 The Rigid Rotor m2 m1 z y x r Consider a molecule with two masses, m1 and m2, attached by an inflexible rod of length, r0, as shown in the figure to the left. The distance from m1 to the origin is r1 and the distance from the origin to m1 is r2. r1+r2=r0 And m1*r1=m2*r2 r1 r2
25 The rigid rotor Hamiltonian Let the molecule rotate freely but there is no potential energy Therefore the Hamiltonian is H=L 2 /2I
26 Solving for the Energy eigenvalues Thus, there is a 2L+1 degeneracy of eigenvalues of energy. |0 0> 0 |1 1> |1 0> |1 -1> E1 3E1 |2 2> |2 1> |2 0> |2 -1> |2 -2>
27 Dipole Selection Rules Assumption 15 – If an initial state, | i >, can make a transition to a final state, |f>, by means of the emission or absorption of a single photon, probability of the occurrence is proportional to Where V i is the interaction potential appropriate to the transition
28 For most atomic and molecular systems, V i looks like If M fi vanishes, the transition is said to be “forbidden” by dipole selection rules If M fi <>0, the transition is allowed by dipole selection rules
29 Spherical Coordinates Again
30 Skipping to the result The radial dependence is not considered in the dipole problem; only the angular dependence x,y, and z depend on l=1 and thus have m value of -1, 0, 1 If should be no surprise that the allowed transitions between angular momentum states with a central potential must follow the rules that l=+/- 1 m=0, +/- 1 This means that only 1 unit of h-bar may be carried away from or given to a state.
31 Bound States in 3 Dimensions Radial Solutions
32 For a particle of mass, m,
33 Appropriate Choice of Separation Constant 1-d Sch. Eq. Called centrifugal potential
34 Angular Solution Y( )=P( ) ( ) Called Spherical Harmonics Explicit Form Phase factor does not affect normalization Which is chosen to agree with Condon & Shortley, Blatt & Weisskopf, Particle Data Group
35 Radial Solutions The potential V(r) will determine the radial solution to the Schroedinger Equation described below:
36 The Hollow Sphere If V=0, then free particle However, imagine a hollow sphere with a hard wall at r=R that cannot be penetrated. Let Is called a spherical Bessel function
37 Thm: {(l+1)/x - d/dx}U l =U l+1 Proof:
38 Proof cont’d Then can be written We can update this equation by the transformation of l->l+1 and RU l is a sol’n to the SE
39 Conclusions R is a “sort-of” raising operator If U l is a sol’n of the SE then RU l is a sol’n with l’=l+1 When l=0 then U 0 ” +U 0 =0 U 0 = A sin x + B cos x For the spherical region which contains the origin, it is necessary B=0 since U l /x = (cos x)/x and cos x/ x is undefined at x=0
40 Raisin’ it and the spherical Bessel functions are then
41 The Solution This means that we need to find the “roots” of the Bessel function i.e. where the Bessel functions equal 0 Let x l,n denote the n th root of j l (x)
42 Energy Levels of Hollow Sphere s 1p 1d 1f 1g 1h 2s 2p 2d 2f 2g 3s 3p Units Of H-bar^2/(2 R 2 )
43 Conclusions Does not depend on m but l Degeneracy = (2l +1) Recall S = sharpl=0 P = principle l=1 D = diffusel=2 F = fundamentall=3
44 Normalizin’ Selection rules are L=+/-1 m=0, +/-1 There is no selection rules depending on n
45 What if V=V 1 when r R Inside Outside where h l 1 = Spherical Hankel Functions
46 Spherical Hankel Functions We know this is a sol’n of the SE For l>1, h l 1 can be generated by R Using the following boundary conditions We can generate energy levels similar to hollow sphere
47 The Hydrogen Atom defines the electrical units. For SI, the units = {4 0 } -1 For electrostatic units, = 1 So the SE becomes
48 Change of Variables Bound states mean that E<0 and thus, is a real number We now introduce and n
49 Re-writing the SE This called Whittaker’s Differential Equation In order to solve it, we look at the endpoints over which r can vary: (0,∞ )
50 As goes to ∞ A must = 0 in order to normalize U.
51 As goes to 0 And p=-l and p=l+1 but -l cannot be normalized so
52 The Hydrogen Atom Radial Wave function And if we substitute this into the Whittaker Equation, we have Which is called Laguerre’s Equation And it’s solutions are called Laguerre’s polynomials
53 Our friend, the confluent hypergeometric equation If we set a=-n+l+1 and b=2(l+1), then the equation takes the form of the confluent hypergeometric equation: Pochmanner symbol
54 In our case, Series expands infinitely… which is bad in the whole “good / bad” thing And thus, we force a=0 or –n+l+1=0 n=l+1, l+2, l+3 … n is an integer and n>l
55 The point of the matter is to solve for E, remember?
56 An aside One problem with Laguerre polynomials is that there is not an unique definition For example from Abramowitz and Stegun denote L ( )=(-1) n n! 1 F 1 (-n, +1; ) Where Schiff, Saxon, and Pauling use L ( )=(-1) n (n+ )! 1 F 1 (-n-1, ; ) Yuck! But all agree on the formula of Rodriguez for Laguerre’s And if =0 then associated Laguerre polys become Laguerre polys
57 Normalizin’ Use And going back to Then
58 Finally! where
59 Some Hydrogen Wavefunctions
60 If n=1 and l=m=0, then gnd state And 1/ is called a 0 a 0 is called the Bohr radius
61 Bound States in 3 Dimensions Radial Solutions Part 2
62 Appropriate Choice of Separation Constant 1-d Sch. Eq. Called centrifugal potential
63 Angular Solution Y( )=P( ) ( ) Called Spherical Harmonics Explicit Form Phase factor does not affect normalization Which is chosen to agree with Condon & Shortley, Blatt & Weisskopf, Particle Data Group
64 Radial Solutions The potential V(r) will determine the radial solution to the Schroedinger Equation described below:
65 The Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator Let then
66 Defining k and lambda
67 As r goes to infinity
68 As r goes to 0 Just like the Hydrogen atom
69 Our main bud, the confluent hypergeometric equation Let We need a new definition of rho so that the confluent hypergeometric equation will pop out 1 st Let
70 And thus becomes
71 Since the confluent hypergeometric equation looks like Then
72 The W functions must converge just like the L functions We find that to make the series converge n r =0, 1, 2, 3, … However, the fact that –n r is the coefficient of W/rho has the following implications
73 But we know s=E/h-bar/omega This is so that n looks like the quantization of the Hydrogen atom l=s, p, d, f Note: In the H-atom, n>l was boundary condition Here 1p, 1d, 1f allowed
74 Final Wave Function The problem that we just solved is of considerable importance in a variety of subjects. It has an analytic solution with equal spacing of states. Most famously, it is the beginning point for a shell model of the nucleus: assuming that each nucleon is bound to other nucleons by a quadratic potential. Adding a perturbation of the spin coupled with the orbital angular momentum will further refine the theory. Meson theory with a quark-anti-quark pair